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This function will automatically load one of the existing mini giotto objects. These are processed giotto objects that can be used to test Giotto functions and run examples. If no python path is provided it will try to find and use the Giotto python environment. Images associated with the giotto mini objects will be reconnected if possible. Available datasets are:

  • 1. visium: mini dataset created from the mouse brain sample

  • 2. vizgen: mini dataset created from the mouse brain sample

  • 3. cosmx: mini dataset created from the lung12 sample

  • 4. spatialgenomics: mini dataset created from the mouse kidney sample

Instructions, such as for saving plots, can be changed using the changeGiottoInstructions


  dataset = c("visium", "seqfish", "starmap", "vizgen", "cosmx", "spatialgenomics"),
  python_path = NULL



mini dataset giotto object to load


pythan path to use