Generates vertex coordinates for a circle around (0,0) with the given radius. Modified from packcircles.
See also
Other polygon stamping:
circleVertices(radius = 10)
#> x y
#> <num> <num>
#> 1: 10.0000000 0.000000e+00
#> 2: 9.6858316 2.486899e+00
#> 3: 8.7630668 4.817537e+00
#> 4: 7.2896863 6.845471e+00
#> 5: 5.3582679 8.443279e+00
#> 6: 3.0901699 9.510565e+00
#> 7: 0.6279052 9.980267e+00
#> 8: -1.8738131 9.822873e+00
#> 9: -4.2577929 9.048271e+00
#> 10: -6.3742399 7.705132e+00
#> 11: -8.0901699 5.877853e+00
#> 12: -9.2977649 3.681246e+00
#> 13: -9.9211470 1.253332e+00
#> 14: -9.9211470 -1.253332e+00
#> 15: -9.2977649 -3.681246e+00
#> 16: -8.0901699 -5.877853e+00
#> 17: -6.3742399 -7.705132e+00
#> 18: -4.2577929 -9.048271e+00
#> 19: -1.8738131 -9.822873e+00
#> 20: 0.6279052 -9.980267e+00
#> 21: 3.0901699 -9.510565e+00
#> 22: 5.3582679 -8.443279e+00
#> 23: 7.2896863 -6.845471e+00
#> 24: 8.7630668 -4.817537e+00
#> 25: 9.6858316 -2.486899e+00
#> 26: 10.0000000 -2.449294e-15
#> x y