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1. Overview

GiottoClass represents spatial polygons and points respectively as S4 classes giottoPolygon and giottoPoints. These objects are built on top of terra SpatVectors in order to represent spatial biology. They also respond to many of terra’s generics, with some enhancements. Both objects have a spatVector slot that contains the main information. This common slot is inherited from the VIRTUAL terraVectData class, however this naming may be subject to change as other data representations are added.

The structures of these classes are:

\- spatVector

\- spatVector           (spatial polygons SpatVector)
\- spatVectorCentroids  (centroids points SpatVector)
\- overlaps             (list of overlapped features info)
\- name                 (object name/spat_unit)
\- unique_ID_cache      (cache of polygon IDs)

\- spatVector           (spatial points SpatVector)
\- networks             (feature network)
\- feat_type            (object name/feat_type)
\- unique_ID_cache      (cache of feature IDs)

Of note are the unique_ID_cache slots which are used to get around the memory usage incurred when frequently accessing the SpatVectors attributes. The caches should be updated after modifications to the object. This is automatically performed when using [] subsetting.

2.1 Polygon object creation

createGiottoPolygon() accepts a number of inputs, including filepaths to spatial files such as .wkt, .shp, or .GeoJSON or mask image files of common formats such as .tif or .png. After reading in these files, they are passed to the respective methods for SpatVector and SpatRaster (mask image).

data.frame-like inputs are also allowed as long as they are formatted similarly to terra’s matrix representation of polygon geometries, with at least the following columns.

  • geom: integer identifier for each polygon
  • part: integer identifier for each part of the polygon, in the case of a multi polygon
  • x: numeric x coordinate of a polygon vertex
  • y: numeric y coordinate of a polygon vertex
  • hole: integer identifier for each hole within a polygon
  • poly_ID: standard Giotto identifier for the polygon. Akin to cell_ID

Additional columns can be included as other attributes, but a set of poly_IDs are required.

For de-novo generation of simple polygon arrays, see the documentation for polyStamp() and tessellate()

2.2 Points object creation

There are relatively fewer input methods for giottoPoints since they currently tend to be provided as flat files as opposed to spatial-specific formats. createGiottoPoints() works with with data.frame-like inputs with at least columns for x-coordinate, y-coordinate, and ID information. The first two detected numeric columns are expected to be x and y respectively. The first character column is assumed to be the feat_IDs. terra SpatVector inputs are also accepted.

A helpful parameter is split_keyword which accepts a list of regex keywords to pull matched features into separate giottoPoints objects. This is useful in situations where multiple feature modalities and/or QC targets are provided together and would interfere with each other if analyzed together. (see examples in createGiottoPoints() documentation)

3. Subsetting

giottoPoints and giottoPolygons can be subset either by logical vectors or by ID.

gpoly <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("giottoPolygon")
gpoints <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("giottoPoints")

# full objects
## An object of class giottoPolygon
## spat_unit : "aggregate"
## Spatial Information:
##  class       : SpatVector 
##  geometry    : polygons 
##  dimensions  : 462, 4  (geometries, attributes)
##  extent      : 6391.466, 6903.573, -5153.897, -4694.868  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
##  coord. ref. :  
##  names       :                   poly_ID stack agg_n valid
##  type        :                     <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
##  values      : 100210519278873141813371~    NA     2     1
##                101161259912191124732236~    NA     2     1
##                101488859781016188084173~    NA     2     1
##  centroids   : calculated
##  overlaps    : rna
## An object of class giottoPoints
## feat_type : "rna"
## Feature Information:
##  class       : SpatVector 
##  geometry    : points 
##  dimensions  : 79761, 3  (geometries, attributes)
##  extent      : 6400.037, 6900.032, -5149.983, -4699.979  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
##  coord. ref. :  
##  names       : feat_ID global_z feat_ID_uniq
##  type        :   <chr>    <int>        <int>
##  values      :    Mlc1        0            1
##                 Gprc5b        0            2
##                   Gfap        0            3
# subsets

plot(gpoly[c("100210519278873141813371229408401071444", "101161259912191124732236989250178928032", "101488859781016188084173008420811094152")])

print(gpoly[c("100210519278873141813371229408401071444", "101161259912191124732236989250178928032", "101488859781016188084173008420811094152")])
## An object of class giottoPolygon
## spat_unit : "aggregate"
## Spatial Information:
##  class       : SpatVector 
##  geometry    : polygons 
##  dimensions  : 3, 4  (geometries, attributes)
##  extent      : 6463.427, 6806.944, -5146.466, -4876.088  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
##  coord. ref. :  
##  names       :                   poly_ID stack agg_n valid
##  type        :                     <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
##  values      : 100210519278873141813371~    NA     2     1
##                101161259912191124732236~    NA     2     1
##                101488859781016188084173~    NA     2     1
##  centroids   : calculated
##  overlaps    : rna



## An object of class giottoPoints
## feat_type : "rna"
## Feature Information:
##  class       : SpatVector 
##  geometry    : points 
##  dimensions  : 814, 3  (geometries, attributes)
##  extent      : 6400.663, 6884.093, -5149.767, -4711.758  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
##  coord. ref. :  
##  names       : feat_ID global_z feat_ID_uniq
##  type        :   <chr>    <int>        <int>
##  values      :     Fn1        0          166
##                    Fn1        0          181
##                    Fn1        0          195

$ extraction can be used to pull attributes of these objects as vectors

## [1] "100210519278873141813371229408401071444"
## [2] "101161259912191124732236989250178928032"
## [3] "101488859781016188084173008420811094152"
## [4] "101523780333017320796881555775415156847"
## [5] "102184699197574201819246996094734116255"
## [6] "102893953956695364131894293580364005295"

4. Conversion to data.table

GiottoClass has a set of functions for converting giottoPoints and giottoPolygon objects between spatial classes using as.sf(), as.sp(), as.stars(), and as.terra(). terra-based giottoPoints and giottoPolygon objects can also be converted into data.table for geometry manipulation. This method largely piggybacks off terra’s and adds support for geom = "XY" for polygon geometry.

gpoly_dt <-, geom = "XY")
gpoints_dt <-, geom = "XY")

## Key: <geom>
##         geom  part        x         y  hole
##        <int> <num>    <num>     <num> <num>
##     1:     1     1 6642.257 -5136.674     0
##     2:     1     1 6642.711 -5137.020     0
##     3:     1     1 6643.050 -5137.462     0
##     4:     1     1 6643.310 -5137.956     0
##     5:     1     1 6643.484 -5138.518     0
##    ---                                     
## 35971:   462     1 6788.764 -4942.998     0
## 35972:   462     1 6788.905 -4942.999     0
## 35973:   462     1 6789.575 -4942.999     0
## 35974:   462     1 6789.576 -4943.000     0
## 35975:   462     1 6789.695 -4943.000     0
##                                        poly_ID  stack agg_n valid
##                                         <char> <char> <int> <int>
##     1: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444   <NA>     2     1
##     2: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444   <NA>     2     1
##     3: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444   <NA>     2     1
##     4: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444   <NA>     2     1
##     5: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444   <NA>     2     1
##    ---                                                           
## 35971:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397   <NA>     2     1
## 35972:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397   <NA>     2     1
## 35973:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397   <NA>     2     1
## 35974:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397   <NA>     2     1
## 35975:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397   <NA>     2     1
##          feat_ID global_z feat_ID_uniq        x         y
##           <char>    <int>        <int>    <num>     <num>
##     1:      Mlc1        0            1 6400.037 -4966.651
##     2:    Gprc5b        0            2 6400.041 -4965.377
##     3:      Gfap        0            3 6400.078 -5081.453
##     4:      Gfap        0            4 6400.084 -5038.288
##     5:     Ednrb        0            5 6400.172 -4816.516
##    ---                                                   
## 79757:    Adgra1        1        80339 6900.010 -4773.595
## 79758:     Cspg5        1        80340 6900.023 -4772.980
## 79759: Adcyap1r1        1        80341 6900.024 -5007.432
## 79760:   Slc17a7        1        80342 6900.026 -4924.840
## 79761:     Cldn5        1        80343 6900.030 -4746.916

These tables can then be either re-ingested using createGiottoPolygon() and createGiottoPoints() or converted to SpatVector using as.polygons() or as.points()

##  class       : SpatVector 
##  geometry    : polygons 
##  dimensions  : 462, 4  (geometries, attributes)
##  extent      : 6391.466, 6903.573, -5153.897, -4694.868  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
##  coord. ref. :  
##  names       :                   poly_ID stack agg_n valid
##  type        :                     <chr> <chr> <int> <int>
##  values      : 100210519278873141813371~    NA     2     1
##                101161259912191124732236~    NA     2     1
##                101488859781016188084173~    NA     2     1
# gpoints currently still requires addition of geom, part, and hole cols
gpoints_dt[, geom := 1:.N]
gpoints_dt[, part := 1]
gpoints_dt[, hole := 0]
##  class       : SpatVector 
##  geometry    : points 
##  dimensions  : 79761, 3  (geometries, attributes)
##  extent      : 6400.037, 6900.032, -5149.983, -4699.979  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
##  coord. ref. :  
##  names       : feat_ID global_z feat_ID_uniq
##  type        :   <chr>    <int>        <int>
##  values      :    Mlc1        0            1
##                 Gprc5b        0            2
##                   Gfap        0            3

5. Centroids

Centroids information are carried by giottoPolygon objects in the spatVectorCentroids slot. The centroids() generic from terra pulls from this slot if the information already exists. Otherwise, it calculates and returns a set of centroids for the polygons as SpatVector points. The append_gpolygon param makes it so that the giottoPolygon with the centroids info appended is returned instead.

6.1 Overlaps

Overlaps are sets of features overlapped by the polygons. calculateOverlaps() is a generic function that performs this overlapping between polygons and points and polygons and raster (intensity) data.

gpoly@overlaps <- NULL # reset overlaps info
gpoly <- calculateOverlap(gpoly, gpoints, verbose = FALSE)

gimg <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("giottoLargeImage")
gpoly <- calculateOverlap(gpoly, gimg, verbose = FALSE, progress = FALSE)

Overlaps are stored as a list under the giottoPolygon overlaps slot, separated by modalities. This list can be retrieved using overlaps(). In the case of overlapped points geometries, the list items are points SpatVector objects. The poly_ID column tracks which polygon is overlapping the point feature as designated by feat_ID and feat_ID_uniq. NA values mean that the feature was not overlapped.

For overlaps intensities, the results are stored as data.tables in a nested list called intensity under the main overlaps list.

##  class       : SpatVector 
##  geometry    : points 
##  dimensions  : 79761, 3  (geometries, attributes)
##  extent      : 6400.037, 6900.032, -5149.983, -4699.979  (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)
##  coord. ref. :  
##  names       : poly_ID feat_ID feat_ID_uniq
##  type        :   <chr>   <chr>        <int>
##  values      :      NA    Mlc1            1
##                     NA  Gprc5b            2
##                     NA    Gfap            3
## $dapi_z0
##                                          poly_ID mini_dataset_dapi_z0
##                                           <char>                <num>
##       1: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444                    8
##       2: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444                    8
##       3: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444                    8
##       4: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444                    8
##       5: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444                    8
##      ---                                                             
## 3170620:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397                   58
## 3170621:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397                   58
## 3170622:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397                   88
## 3170623:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397                   88
## 3170624:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397                   88

6.2 Overlaps to matrix

Overlap results can be converted into expression matrices using overlapToMatrix()

# points, rna modality (default)
rna_mat <- overlapToMatrix(gpoly)
## Warning: [overlapToMatrix] expected col_names and row_names
##  not provided together. Points aggregation Matrix output
##  may be missing some cols and rows where no detections
##  were found.
## 3 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
##       100210519278873141813371229408401071444
## Abcc9                                       .
## Ackr1                                       .
## Ackr3                                       .
##       101161259912191124732236989250178928032
## Abcc9                                       .
## Ackr1                                       .
## Ackr3                                       .
##       101488859781016188084173008420811094152
## Abcc9                                       .
## Ackr1                                       .
## Ackr3                                       2
# intensity, dapi_z0
intens_mat <- overlapToMatrix(gpoly, type = "intensity", feat_info = "dapi_z0")
print(intens_mat[1, 1:3, drop = FALSE])
## 1 x 3 Matrix of class "dgeMatrix"
##                      100210519278873141813371229408401071444
## mini_dataset_dapi_z0                                   80200
##                      101161259912191124732236989250178928032
## mini_dataset_dapi_z0                                  369434
##                      101488859781016188084173008420811094152
## mini_dataset_dapi_z0                                  220020
## R version 4.4.2 (2024-10-31)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu
## Running under: Ubuntu 24.04.1 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS:   /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/ 
## LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/;  LAPACK version 3.12.0
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C           LC_TIME=C.UTF-8       
##  [7] LC_PAPER=C.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C              LC_ADDRESS=C          
## time zone: UTC
## tzcode source: system (glibc)
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods   base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] GiottoClass_0.4.6
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] sass_0.4.9           generics_0.1.3       class_7.3-22        
##  [4] KernSmooth_2.23-24   gtools_3.9.5         lattice_0.22-6      
##  [7] digest_0.6.37        magrittr_2.0.3       evaluate_1.0.3      
## [10] grid_4.4.2           fastmap_1.2.0        jsonlite_1.8.9      
## [13] Matrix_1.7-1         e1071_1.7-16         backports_1.5.0     
## [16] DBI_1.2.3            scattermore_1.2      GiottoData_0.2.16   
## [19] scales_1.3.0         codetools_0.2-20     textshaping_0.4.1   
## [22] jquerylib_0.1.4      cli_3.6.3            rlang_1.1.4         
## [25] units_0.8-5          XVector_0.46.0       Biobase_2.66.0      
## [28] munsell_0.5.1        cachem_1.1.0         yaml_2.3.10         
## [31] raster_3.6-31        tools_4.4.2          GiottoUtils_0.2.3   
## [34] checkmate_2.3.2      dplyr_1.1.4          colorspace_2.1-1    
## [37] ggplot2_3.5.1        BiocGenerics_0.52.0  exactextractr_0.10.0
## [40] vctrs_0.6.5          R6_2.5.1             proxy_0.4-27        
## [43] classInt_0.4-11      stats4_4.4.2         lifecycle_1.0.4     
## [46] zlibbioc_1.52.0      S4Vectors_0.44.0     fs_1.6.5            
## [49] htmlwidgets_1.6.4    IRanges_2.40.1       ragg_1.3.3          
## [52] pkgconfig_2.0.3      desc_1.4.3           pkgdown_2.1.1       
## [55] terra_1.8-10         bslib_0.8.0          pillar_1.10.1       
## [58] gtable_0.3.6         data.table_1.16.4    glue_1.8.0          
## [61] Rcpp_1.0.14          sf_1.0-19            systemfonts_1.2.0   
## [64] xfun_0.50            tibble_3.2.1         tidyselect_1.2.1    
## [67] knitr_1.49           htmltools_0.5.8.1    rmarkdown_2.29      
## [70] compiler_4.4.2       sp_2.1-4