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Create networks from node values. This is a hub function for many different methods of finding nearest neighbors. See details for additional params important for generating specific types of networks.


  type = c("sNN", "kNN", "delaunay"),
  method = c("dbscan", "geometry", "RTriangle", "deldir"),
  node_ids = NULL,
  include_distance = TRUE,
  include_weight = TRUE,
  as.igraph = TRUE,
  verbose = NULL,



matrix. Data to treat as nodes. Examples include expression information, PCA matrix, spatial locations xy(z) coordinates.


type of network to create. Currently: "sNN", "kNN", or "delaunay"


method used to create the type of network requested. One of "dbscan" for sNN and kNN or "geometry", "RTriangle", or "deldir" for delaunay.


character. Node ID values to assign. If NULL, integer indices will be used as node IDs.


logical. include edge distance attribute in output


logical. include edge weight attribute in output


logical. Whether to return as igraph. Otherwise returns as data.table


be verbose. Default = NULL (uses giotto verbosity option)


additional params to pass. See details section


Either igraph if as.igraph = TRUE and data.table otherwise.


Additional params are described below. Items in parenthesis refer to which network types and/or methods the params are specific to.

  • [k] numeric. (sNN, kNN) number of neighbors to find. Default is 30

  • [minimum_shared] numeric. (sNN) minimum shared neighbors allowed per edge

  • [top_shared] numeric. (sNN) keep at least this many edges per node, where kept edges are top ranked in terms of number of shared neighbors.

  • [filter] logical. (kNN) whether to filter for only unique edges and apply minimum_k and maximum_distance filters. Should be set TRUE when generating a spatial kNN network. Default is FALSE.

  • [minimum_k] (delaunay, kNN) minimum nearest neighbours if maximum_distance != NULL

  • [maximum_distance] (delaunay, kNN) edge maximum euclidean distance allowed

  • [Y] (RTriangle) If TRUE prohibits the insertion of Steiner points on the mesh boundary. Default is TRUE

  • [j] (RTriangle) If TRUE jettisons vertices that are not part of the final triangulation from the output. Default is TRUE

  • [S] (RTriangle) Specifies the maximum number of added Steiner points. Default is 0

  • [options] (geometry) default is "Pp". See geometry::delaunayn

  • [weight_fun] function to calculate weights based on distance if include_weight = TRUE. Default is \(weight = 1 / (1 + distance)\) for "kNN" and "sNN" types and \(weight = 1 / distance\) for delaunay type networks


pca <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("dimObj")[]
sl <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("spatLocsObj")[]

# Delaunay via geometry::delaunayn()
del_geom <- createNetwork(
    x = as.matrix(sl[, .(sdimx, sdimy)]),
    type = "delaunay",
    method = "geometry",
    include_weight = TRUE,
    weight_fun = function(d) 1 / d,
    as.igraph = FALSE,
    node_ids = sl$cell_ID

# Delaunay via RTriangle::triangulate()
del_rt <- createNetwork(
    x = as.matrix(sl[, .(sdimx, sdimy)]),
    type = "delaunay",
    method = "RTriangle",
    include_weight = TRUE,
    weight_fun = function(d) 1 / d,
    as.igraph = FALSE,
    node_ids = sl$cell_ID

# Delaunay via deldir::deldir()
del_dd <- createNetwork(
    x = as.matrix(sl[, .(sdimx, sdimy)]),
    type = "delaunay",
    method = "deldir",
    include_weight = TRUE,
    weight_fun = function(d) 1 / d,
    as.igraph = FALSE,
    node_ids = sl$cell_ID

# kNN spatial network
kNN_spat <- createNetwork(
    x = as.matrix(sl[, .(sdimx, sdimy)]),
    type = "kNN",
    method = "dbscan",
    include_weight = TRUE,
    weight_fun = function(d) 1 / d, # not the default
    as.igraph = FALSE,
    node_ids = sl$cell_ID,
    k = 4L,
    maximum_distance = NULL,
    minimum_k = 0L

# kNN NN network
kNN <- createNetwork(
    pca[, seq_len(10)],
    type = "kNN",
    method = "dbscan",
    node_ids = rownames(pca),
    as.igraph = TRUE

# sNN NN network
sNN <- createNetwork(
    pca[, seq_len(10)],
    type = "sNN",
    method = "dbscan",
    node_ids = rownames(pca),
    as.igraph = TRUE

# using defaults for sNN with index IDs to create igraph
sNN_idx <- createNetwork(pca[, seq_len(10)])