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Experimental. Evaluate raw inputs into formats that are directly compatible with Giotto's functionality. Note that this function only formats the data. The output from this function still needs to be put into a Giotto subobject.
This is a wrapper function for the individual GiottoClass evaluation functions.


evaluate_input(type, x, ...)



character. Type of giotto data to evaluate to.


data to evaluate


additional params to pass


character or the same class of x


x <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("exprObj", 1)

evaluate_input(type = "expression", x)
#> An object of class exprObj : "normalized"
#> spat_unit : "aggregate"
#> feat_type : "rna"
#> provenance: z0 z1 
#> contains:
#> 337 x 462 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
#> Mlc1    .       .        .        .        . .  5.291601 . .        5.821597 . .        .
#> Gprc5b  .       6.398031 .        7.454658 . .  6.273066 . 7.680054 6.808785 . 5.082989 .
#> Gfap   10.48137 .        7.901442 5.886051 . . 10.746982 . 5.701006 5.821597 . .        .
#> Mlc1   ......
#> Gprc5b ......
#> Gfap   ......
#>  ........suppressing 449 columns and 331 rows in show(); maybe adjust options(max.print=, width=)
#> Adgrf4    . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......
#> Epha2     . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......
#> Blank-139 . . . . . . . . . . . . . ......
#>  First four colnames:
#>  240649020551054330404932383065726870513
#>  274176126496863898679934791272921588227
#>  323754550002953984063006506310071917306
#>  87260224659312905497866017323180367450