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Giotto has several functions that utilize python packages. To facilitate this, utilities are provided for creating, removing, and attaching python environments. Python environments are currently handled entirely through reticulate.

Creating an environment

installGiottoEnvironment() can be used to create a default miniconda environment called giotto_env that includes some commonly used python packages. See the python versions section for specific packages and version numbers.

Custom environments manageable through reticulate are also compatible and can be hooked into by Giotto after creation.

checkGiottoEnvironment() can be used in order to test if an envname or full python path is accessible by Giotto. It will also check the "giotto.py_path" option.

Choosing environments

Only one python environment may be initialized and used by reticulate during a single R session. In order to switch to another environment, the R session must be restarted.

Whenever any of the following happens for the first time in a session:

  • giotto object creation (due to creation of a default giottoInstructions)

  • giottoInstructions creation (createGiottoInstructions())

  • GiottoClass::set_giotto_python_path() is called (most direct)

For the above, Giotto automatically detects AND activates a python environment based on the following defaults in decreasing priority:

  1. User provided (when python_path param is not NULL)

  2. Any provided path or envname in option "giotto.py_path"

  3. Default expected giotto environment location based on reticulate::miniconda_path()

  4. Envname "giotto_env"

  5. System default python environment

This behavior is mediated by the set_giotto_python_path() utility function, which will find an environment and then initialize it.


  envname = NULL,
  mini_install_path = deprecated(),
  verbose = NULL

  packages_to_install = c("pandas==1.5.1", "networkx==2.8.8", "python-igraph==0.10.2",
    "leidenalg==0.9.0", "python-louvain==0.16", "", "scikit-learn==1.1.3"),
  python_version = "3.10.2",
  mini_install_path = NULL,
  confirm = TRUE,
  envname = "giotto_env",
  conda = "auto",
  force_miniconda = FALSE,
  force_environment = FALSE,
  verbose = NULL

  envname = "giotto_env",
  mini_path = deprecated(),
  conda = "auto",
  verbose = TRUE

set_giotto_python_path(python_path = NULL, verbose = NULL, initialize = TRUE)



character. (optional) The name of a miniconda or conda environment OR path to a python executable. When using installGiottoEnvironment(), the default is "giotto_env"


(optional) desired miniconda installation location. Default is chosen by reticulate::install_miniconda()


be verbose


python modules (packages) to install for Giotto.


python version to use within the giotto conda environment. Default is v3.10.2


whether to pause for confirmation of conda environment install location (default = TRUE)


either "auto" (default) to allow reticulate to handle it, or the full filepath to the conda executable. You can also set the option "reticulate.conda_binary" or Sys.setenv() "RETICULATE_CONDA" to tell reticulate where to look.


force reinstallation of miniconda


force reinstallation of the giotto environment




character. Name of environment or full path to python executable.


force initialization of set python path. Default = TRUE.


  • checkGiottoEnvironment():

    • Based on envname, detect if there a conda or miniconda environment accessible by Giotto. By default, the envname "giotto_env", then the option "giotto.py_path" is checked, but an alternative can be provided.

    • Setting envname as ":auto:" will let Giotto autodetect a python env to use. See section for set_giotto_python_path() for details on the autodetection.

    • Returns TRUE if an env is detected and accessible by Giotto. FALSE if not. Will not initialize a python environment during detection.

  • installGiottoEnvironment():

    • Install a giotto python environment using miniconda through reticulate. By default, the envname used will be "giotto_env". If another name is used, you will have to provide that envname at the start of a session (see Choosing an environment above).
      This includes a miniconda installation and also a set of python packages that Giotto may often use. See details for further information on setting up an environment with a .yml

    • Returns NULL

  • removeGiottoEnvironment():

    • Remove a python environment

    • Returns NULL

  • set_giotto_python_path():

    • Detect and activate a python path. The python_path param accepts both full filepaths to the python executable and envnames. The final path to use is determined as follows in decreasing priority:

      1. User provided (when python_path is not NULL)

      2. Any provided path or envname in option "giotto.py_path"

      3. Default expected giotto environment location based on reticulate::miniconda_path()

      4. Envname "giotto_env"

      5. System default python environment

    • This function exits without doing anything if option "giotto.use_conda" is FALSE.

    • By default this function will force initialization of the python environment to set, locking the session to that environment. This can be skipped if initialize = FALSE, however in that case, the actual python path set downstream may differ from what is expected and reported by this function.

    • Returns detected path to python binary or NULL if none found.

python versions

By default, Python v3.10.2 will be used with the following python modules for giotto environment installation:

   - pandas==1.5.1
   - networkx==2.8.8
   - python-igraph==0.10.2
   - leidenalg==0.9.0
   - python-louvain==0.16
   - scikit-learn==1.1.3

The giotto environment can be custom installed by changing the python_version parameter and module versions in the packages_to_install parameter.

For example, this giotto environment works as well, and was the default environment status for past releases of Giotto. Python v3.6

  - pandas==1.1.5
  - networkx==2.6.3
  - python-igraph==0.9.6
  - leidenalg==0.8.7
  - python-louvain==0.15
  - # macOS only
  - scikit-learn==0.24.2

.yml installs

Please note that multiple .yml files are provided in the repository for advanced installation and convenience. To install the most up-to-date Giotto environment using a .yml file, open a shell compatible with conda/miniconda and navigate to the directory specified by system.file(package = "Giotto", "python/configuration"). Once in this directory, run the following to create your environment in one step:

conda env create -n giotto_env -f ./genv.yml


# detect without initialization
# check default env location
#> Giotto can access environment found at:
#>  '/usr/share/miniconda/envs/giotto_env/bin/python'
#>  If this is the wrong environment, try specifying `envname` param
#>  or set option "giotto.py_path" with the desired envname or path
#> [1] TRUE

# use environment name
#> Giotto can access environment found at:
#>  '/usr/share/miniconda/envs/giotto_env/bin/python'
#>  If this is the wrong environment, try specifying `envname` param
#>  or set option "giotto.py_path" with the desired envname or path
#> [1] TRUE

# full path 
# (use this if a different install location specified with .condarc)
if (FALSE) {
if (FALSE) {
# default environment installation

# install to alternate location
temp_env <- tempdir()
installGiottoEnvironment(mini_install_path = temp_env)

# detect AND initialize a python environment
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : 'giotto_env'
#>  python version : 3.10
#> checking default envname 'giotto_env'
#> a system default python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#>  "/usr/share/miniconda/envs/giotto_env/bin/python"
#> [1] "/usr/share/miniconda/envs/giotto_env/bin/python"