Check for an active python environment without initialization.
If none initialized, FALSE
is returned. If an initialized environment
is found, the env name based on reticulate::conda_list()
will be returned
#> function ()
#> {
#> name <- python <- NULL
#> if (!reticulate::py_available()) {
#> options(giotto.py_active_env = FALSE)
#> return(FALSE)
#> }
#> env_cache <- getOption("giotto.py_active_env", FALSE)
#> if (is.character(env_cache)) {
#> return(env_cache)
#> }
#> py_conf <- reticulate::py_config()
#> py_path <- py_conf$python
#> py_ver <- py_conf$version
#> py_tab <- data.table::setDT(reticulate::conda_list())
#> py_name <- py_tab[dirname(python) == dirname(py_path), name]
#> if (length(py_name) == 0)
#> py_name <- py_path
#> options(giotto.py_active_env = py_name)
#> options(giotto.py_active_ver = py_ver)
#> return(py_name)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x5577b35606f0>
#> <environment: namespace:GiottoUtils>