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Installation convenience function. Helps with Giotto Suite installation from the GitHub website by ensuring modules are installed in the correct order. Also automatically switches to the R4.4.0 version when user R version is lower than 4.4.1.

This utility will do a full reinstall of the specified Giotto Suite modules but non-Suite dependencies will never prompt to be updated.


  modules = suite_packages(),
  suite_deps = TRUE,
  ref = "main",
  dry_run = FALSE,



character. Which modules to install. Defaults to the core packages needed for Giotto to run.


logical. Whether to install any potential Giotto Suite dependency modules


character. Currently one of "main", "R4.4.0", or "dev". These determine which branches to install. See details.


logical. When TRUE, only print the install commands instead of actually running them.


additional params to pass to remotes::install_github()

ref "main"

Installs the main Giotto version. This version is expected to chase the highest R version.

ref "R4.4.0", r440, or 440

Mirrors the main branch, but locks the R version at 4.4.0 (lowest version supported by all dependencies)

ref "R4.1.0", r410, or 410

Mirrors the main branch, but locks the R version at 4.1.0. This version requires installation of {Matrix} 1.6-5

ref "dev"

This version is ahead of the main version and also chases the latest R version.


if (FALSE) {
    # install core packages
    suite_install("GiottoClass", ref = "dev")

    # install ONLY Giotto, ignoring module dependencies
    # (i.e. GiottoVisuals, GiottoClass, etc)
    suite_install("Giotto", suite_deps = FALSE)