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dbMatrix is a core package in the dbverse library that inherits from the dbData base class and consists of two subclasses, dbSparseMatrix and dbDenseMatrix.

dbMatrix objects emulate in-memory dense and sparse matrices in an embedded database powered by DuckDB.


Sparse matrices are represented as triplet vectors with i, j, and x numerical vectors. i and j refer to the row and column indices, respectively, with specific x values or counts. Note: The i and j vectors are one-based following conventions from the Matrix R package and the TSparseMatrix class.

The dbSparseMatrix class stores the triplet vector representation with its associated dimension names and dimensions if available. If none are provided, they are automatically generated as factors (enums) with row# or col# labels for rownames and colnames, respectively. The dbSparseMatrix class does not contain zeros in the triplet vector representation. Zero values are inferred based on the provided dimensions.

Support for compressed sparse column matrices of the dgCMatrix class from the Matrix R package is currently implemented. For more information about sparse matrices, see the wiki article here.


We use the same approach as dbSparseMatrix to represent a dense matrix as a triplet i, j, and x vector. The only difference is that the dbDenseMatrix class consists of all values in the matrix, including zeros.