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Adds cell metadata to the giotto object


  spat_unit = NULL,
  feat_type = NULL,
  vector_name = NULL,
  by_column = FALSE,
  column_cell_ID = NULL



giotto object


spatial unit


feature type


new cell metadata to use (data.table, data.frame, vector, factor, ...)


(optional) custom name for new metadata column if single vector or factor is provided


merge metadata based on cell_ID column in pDataDT (default = FALSE)


column name of new metadata to use if by_column = TRUE


giotto object


You can add additional cell metadata in several manners:

  • 1. Provide a data.frame-like object, vector, or factor with cell annotations in the same order as the cell_ID column in pDataDT(gobject). This is a bit risky and not the most recommended.

  • 2. Provide a data.frame-like object with cell annotations and specify which column contains the cell IDs, these cell IDs need to match with the cell_ID column in pDataDT(gobject)

  • 3. Provide a vector or factor that is named with the cell IDs they correspond to. These names will be matched against the cell_ID column in pDataDT(gobject).


# dummy matrix
m <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/toy_matrix.RDS", package = "GiottoClass"))
g <- createGiottoObject(m)
#> no external python path or giotto environment was specified, will check if a
#>  default python path is available
#> A default python path was found: /usr/bin/python3 and will be used
#>  If this is not the correct python path, either
#> 1. use installGiottoEnvironment() to install a local miniconda python
#>  environment along with required modules
#> 2. provide an existing python path to python_path to use your own python path
#>  which has all modules installed
#> Set options("giotto.use_conda" = FALSE) if python functionalities are not
#>  needed
#> Warning: module: pandas was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: igraph was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: leidenalg was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: community was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: networkx was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: sklearn was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Consider to install these (optional) packages to run all possible Giotto
#>  commands for spatial analyses: scran MAST tiff biomaRt trendsceek multinet
#>  FactoMineR
#> Giotto does not automatically install all these packages as they are not
#>  absolutely required and this reduces the number of dependencies
#> There are non numeric or integer columns for the spatial location input at
#>  column position(s): 1
#>  The first non-numeric column will be considered as a cell ID to test for
#>  consistency with the expression matrix
#>  Other non numeric columns will be removed
#> Warning: module: pandas was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: igraph was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: leidenalg was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: community was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: networkx was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3
#> Warning: module: sklearn was not found with python path: /usr/bin/python3

#>     cell_ID
#>      <char>
#>  1:       A
#>  2:       B
#>  3:       C
#>  4:       D
#>  5:       E
#>  6:       F
#>  7:       G
#>  8:       H
#>  9:       I
#> 10:       J

# appending a character vector, merge on vector names
v <- seq(10)
names(v) <- sample(LETTERS[seq(10)])
#>  G  E  F  J  D  A  I  H  C  B 
#>  1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9 10 

g <- addCellMetadata(g, new_metadata = v, by_column = TRUE)
#> Key: <cell_ID>
#>     cell_ID     v
#>      <char> <int>
#>  1:       A     6
#>  2:       B    10
#>  3:       C     9
#>  4:       D     5
#>  5:       E     2
#>  6:       F     3
#>  7:       G     1
#>  8:       H     8
#>  9:       I     7
#> 10:       J     4

# appending a data.frame, merge on specified column "ID"
df <- data.frame(
    IDS = rev(LETTERS[seq(10)]), # reversed
    l = letters[seq(10)],
    x = c(rep(TRUE, 5), rep(FALSE, 5))
#>    IDS l     x
#> 1    J a  TRUE
#> 2    I b  TRUE
#> 3    H c  TRUE
#> 4    G d  TRUE
#> 5    F e  TRUE
#> 6    E f FALSE
#> 7    D g FALSE
#> 8    C h FALSE
#> 9    B i FALSE
#> 10   A j FALSE

g <- addCellMetadata(
    new_metadata = df,
    by_column = TRUE,
    column_cell_ID = "IDS"
#> Key: <cell_ID>
#>     cell_ID     v      l      x
#>      <char> <int> <char> <lgcl>
#>  1:       A     6      j  FALSE
#>  2:       B    10      i  FALSE
#>  3:       C     9      h  FALSE
#>  4:       D     5      g  FALSE
#>  5:       E     2      f  FALSE
#>  6:       F     3      e   TRUE
#>  7:       G     1      d   TRUE
#>  8:       H     8      c   TRUE
#>  9:       I     7      b   TRUE
#> 10:       J     4      a   TRUE