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Annotate spatial network with cell metadata information.


  spat_unit = NULL,
  feat_type = NULL,
  spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network",
  create_full_network = FALSE



giotto object


spatial unit


feature type


name of spatial network to use


name of column to use for clusters


convert from reduced to full network representation


annotated network in data.table format


g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : 'giotto_env'
#>  python version : 3.10

annotateSpatialNetwork(g, cluster_column = "leiden_clus")
#>                     from                 to sdimx_begin sdimy_begin sdimx_end
#>                   <char>             <char>       <num>       <num>     <num>
#>    1: AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1 TCAAACAACCGCGTCG-1        5477       -4125      5340
#>    2: AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1 ACGATCATACATAGAG-1        5477       -4125      5546
#>    3: AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1 TATGCTCCCTACTTAC-1        5477       -4125      5408
#>    4: AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1 TTGTTCAGTGTGCTAC-1        5477       -4125      5615
#>    5: AAAGGGATGTAGCAAG-1 ATCGACTCTTTCCGTT-1        5477       -4125      5408
#>   ---                                                                        
#> 1766: TTCAAGCCGAGCTGAG-1 TTGTATCACACAGAAT-1        6372       -2808      6303
#> 1767: TTCGACGGGAAGGGCG-1 TTCGCACTCGCGTGCT-1        4239       -4125      4308
#> 1768: TTCTTAGTGGCTCAGA-1 TTGTGGCCCTGACAGT-1        5408       -3287      5340
#> 1769: TTCTTGTAACCTAATG-1 TTGGCTCGCATGAGAC-1        3620       -4005      3757
#> 1770: TTGCACGGAGCAGCAC-1 TTGTCGTTCAGTTACC-1        5271       -3766      5202
#>       sdimy_end distance      weight to_cell_type from_cell_type type_int
#>           <num>    <num>       <num>       <char>         <char>   <char>
#>    1:     -4125 137.0000 0.007299270            5              1   hetero
#>    2:     -4244 137.5573 0.007269700            1              1     homo
#>    3:     -4244 137.5573 0.007269700            1              1     homo
#>    4:     -4125 138.0000 0.007246377            1              1     homo
#>    5:     -4005 138.4233 0.007224219            1              1     homo
#>   ---                                                                    
#> 1766:     -2688 138.4233 0.007224219            2              2     homo
#> 1767:     -4245 138.4233 0.007224219            3              3     homo
#> 1768:     -3406 137.0584 0.007296161            5              5     homo
#> 1769:     -4005 137.0000 0.007299270            1              1     homo
#> 1770:     -3885 137.5573 0.007269700            1              3   hetero
#>       from_to unified_int
#>        <char>      <char>
#>    1:     1-5        1--5
#>    2:     1-1        1--1
#>    3:     1-1        1--1
#>    4:     1-1        1--1
#>    5:     1-1        1--1
#>   ---                    
#> 1766:     2-2        2--2
#> 1767:     3-3        3--3
#> 1768:     5-5        5--5
#> 1769:     1-1        1--1
#> 1770:     3-1        1--3