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combine cell data information


  feat_type = "rna",
  include_spat_locs = TRUE,
  spat_loc_name = "raw",
  include_poly_info = TRUE,
  poly_info = "cell",
  include_spat_enr = TRUE,
  spat_enr_names = NULL



giotto object


feature type


include information about spatial locations


spatial location name


include information about polygon


polygon information name


include information about spatial enrichment


names of spatial enrichment results to include


data.table with combined spatial information


g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("vizgen")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : 'giotto_env'
#>  python version : 3.10

combineCellData(g, poly_info = "aggregate")
#> $rna
#> Key: <cell_ID>
#>                                        cell_ID    sdimx     sdimy  geom  part
#>                                         <char>    <num>     <num> <int> <num>
#>     1: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444 6637.881 -5140.465     1     1
#>     2: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444 6637.881 -5140.465     1     1
#>     3: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444 6637.881 -5140.465     1     1
#>     4: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444 6637.881 -5140.465     1     1
#>     5: 100210519278873141813371229408401071444 6637.881 -5140.465     1     1
#>    ---                                                                       
#> 35971:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397 6784.848 -4942.076   462     1
#> 35972:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397 6784.848 -4942.076   462     1
#> 35973:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397 6784.848 -4942.076   462     1
#> 35974:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397 6784.848 -4942.076   462     1
#> 35975:  98561957902191275233320065611022298397 6784.848 -4942.076   462     1
#>               x         y  hole  stack agg_n valid nr_feats perc_feats
#>           <num>     <num> <num> <char> <num> <int>    <int>      <num>
#>     1: 6642.257 -5136.674     0   <NA>     2     1       22    6.52819
#>     2: 6642.711 -5137.020     0   <NA>     2     1       22    6.52819
#>     3: 6643.050 -5137.462     0   <NA>     2     1       22    6.52819
#>     4: 6643.310 -5137.956     0   <NA>     2     1       22    6.52819
#>     5: 6643.484 -5138.518     0   <NA>     2     1       22    6.52819
#>    ---                                                                
#> 35971: 6788.764 -4942.998     0   <NA>     2     1       53   15.72700
#> 35972: 6788.905 -4942.999     0   <NA>     2     1       53   15.72700
#> 35973: 6789.575 -4942.999     0   <NA>     2     1       53   15.72700
#> 35974: 6789.576 -4943.000     0   <NA>     2     1       53   15.72700
#> 35975: 6789.695 -4943.000     0   <NA>     2     1       53   15.72700
#>        total_expr leiden_clus louvain_clus   feat
#>             <num>       <num>        <num> <char>
#>     1:   163.6923           4           15    rna
#>     2:   163.6923           4           15    rna
#>     3:   163.6923           4           15    rna
#>     4:   163.6923           4           15    rna
#>     5:   163.6923           4           15    rna
#>    ---                                           
#> 35971:   326.0539           1           26    rna
#> 35972:   326.0539           1           26    rna
#> 35973:   326.0539           1           26    rna
#> 35974:   326.0539           1           26    rna
#> 35975:   326.0539           1           26    rna