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Get the cell IDs (termed spatial IDs to better reflect when not at the single-cell level) and feature IDs of a giotto object or subobject.

[giotto object specific] When applied on a giotto object, these functions pull from the cell_ID and feat_ID slots. The values within these slots are updated whenever the object is data is changed and, importantly, whenever the active spat_unit and feat_type is set (see activeSpatUnit() and activeFeatType()). New values for these slots are specific to the active spat_unit and feat_type and are detected from either the subcellular level (giottoPolygon and giottoPoints) or the aggregate level (expression matrix) data, with a preference for the latter if it exists. Be aware that with this current behavior, values returned byspatIDs() and featIDs() should be regarded as the minimal set of expected IDs within all giotto slots, and not always the exact set or ordering.


# S4 method for class 'giotto'
spatIDs(x, spat_unit = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for class 'exprObj'
spatIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'spatLocsObj'
spatIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'cellMetaObj'
spatIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'spatialNetworkObj'
spatIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'dimObj'
spatIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'giottoPolygon'
spatIDs(x, use_cache = TRUE, uniques = TRUE, ...)

# S4 method for class 'spatEnrObj'
spatIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'nnNetObj'
spatIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'giotto'
featIDs(x, feat_type = NULL, ...)

# S4 method for class 'exprObj'
featIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'featMetaObj'
featIDs(x, ...)

# S4 method for class 'giottoPoints'
featIDs(x, use_cache = TRUE, uniques = TRUE, ...)

# S4 method for class 'spatEnrObj'
featIDs(x, ...)



an object


(optional) specify which spatial unit


additional parameters to pass


use cached IDs if available (gpoly and gpoints only)


return unique ID values only (currently gpoly and gpoints only)


(optional) specify which feature type


spatIDs and featIDs


g <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("giottoPoints")

#>   [1] "Mlc1"      "Gprc5b"    "Gfap"      "Ednrb"     "Sox9"      "Aqp4"     
#>   [7] "Gjc3"      "Sox8"      "Ntsr2"     "Adcyap1r1" "Smo"       "Gpr161"   
#>  [13] "C1qb"      "Olig1"     "C1qa"      "Lmtk2"     "Pth1r"     "Ephb6"    
#>  [19] "Gpr26"     "Gabbr1"    "Adra2a"    "Gabbr2"    "Timp4"     "Abcc9"    
#>  [25] "Csf1r"     "Ntrk2"     "Adgrg1"    "Ntrk3"     "Ddr1"      "Erbb4"    
#>  [31] "Selplg"    "Cspg5"     "Dlk1"      "Gpr37l1"   "Fzd1"      "Fgfr3"    
#>  [37] "Slc25a18"  "Igf1r"     "Adgrl1"    "S1pr1"     "Ryk"       "Grm5"     
#>  [43] "Eomes"     "Axl"       "Efemp1"    "Adgrb3"    "Sstr4"     "Fn1"      
#>  [49] "Adora1"    "Erbb2"     "Gper1"     "Gramd3"    "Mertk"     "Slc32a1"  
#>  [55] "Adgra1"    "Adgrl2"    "Ptgfr"     "Fzd2"      "Aldh1l1"   "Adgrg6"   
#>  [61] "Egfr"      "Gpr162"    "Lpar4"     "Kit"       "Ptgdr"     "Gad1"     
#>  [67] "Lgr4"      "Tyro3"     "Atp13a5"   "Ddr2"      "Rspo3"     "Arhgap29" 
#>  [73] "Ackr3"     "Gpr146"    "Fzd7"      "Slc47a1"   "Insr"      "Ptger3"   
#>  [79] "Bdkrb1"    "Traf4"     "Celsr2"    "Fzd4"      "Fgfr2"     "Cx3cr1"   
#>  [85] "Anxa11"    "Adgrb1"    "Lpar1"     "Gpr17"     "Gpr173"    "Ror1"     
#>  [91] "Cxcl12"    "Kiss1r"    "Epha4"     "Gpr182"    "Man1a"     "Gpr4"     
#>  [97] "P2ry14"    "Hcar1"     "Ephb1"     "Adrb1"     "Grm3"      "P2ry1"    
#> [103] "Nrp2"      "Ptk7"      "Slco1a4"   "Tmem108"   "Hrh3"      "Insrr"    
#> [109] "Cmklr1"    "Opn3"      "Adra1b"    "Gpr62"     "Npy1r"     "Nrp1"     
#> [115] "Fzd6"      "S1pr5"     "Pdgfrb"    "Flt1"      "Chrm3"     "Agtr1a"   
#> [121] "Adgrl4"    "Ephb3"     "Lpar6"     "Epha6"     "Fzd5"      "Emcn"     
#> [127] "Cldn5"     "Sstr1"     "Fzd3"      "P2ry12"    "Adgrl3"    "Sema4d"   
#> [133] "Adgrf5"    "Gpr160"    "Mrgpre"    "Amigo2"    "Adgra3"    "P2yr13"   
#> [139] "Epha3"     "Adgre1"    "P2ry6"     "Cx3cl1"    "Epha10"    "Tacr1"    
#> [145] "Peg10"     "Ednra"     "Plxnb3"    "Flt4"      "Slc17a7"   "Drd2"     
#> [151] "Tjap1"     "Fzd8"      "Cd300c2"   "Htr4"      "Gpr52"     "Tek"      
#> [157] "S1pr2"     "Kdr"       "Ror2"      "Kcnj8"     "Hrh1"      "Celsr1"   
#> [163] "Gpr153"    "S1pr3"     "Adgra2"    "Fgfrl1"    "Tie1"      "Slc15a3"  
#> [169] "Ccr10"     "Pdgfra"    "Lhcgr"     "Mrgprf"    "Ascl1"     "Baiap2"   
#> [175] "Gpr85"     "Gpr22"     "Gcgr"      "Grm1"      "Ptafr"     "Calcrl"   
#> [181] "Gpr34"     "Cenpe"     "Adora2b"   "Adrb2"     "Ccr2"      "Alk"      
#> [187] "Tacr3"     "Chrm5"     "Erbb3"     "Ccr9"      "Gpr21"     "Epha7"    
#> [193] "Adra2b"    "Pcdh15"    "Blank-104" "Adora2a"   "Drd1"      "Blank-57" 
#> [199] "Grm7"      "Htr1b"     "Fzd9"      "Grm4"      "Blank-152" "Aplnr"    
#> [205] "Gpr176"    "F2r"       "Vmn1r43"   "Gpr156"    "Gpr55"     "Blank-155"
#> [211] "Bdkrb2"    "C5ar2"     "Gpbar1"    "Adgrv1"    "Gprc5c"    "Lmod1"    
#> [217] "Gpr135"    "Rxfp3"     "Tbxa2r"    "Fzd10"     "Ret"       "Blank-80" 
#> [223] "Epha8"     "Gpr75"     "Ackr1"     "Adgrg4"    "Chrm1"     "Epha1"    
#> [229] "Vmn2r1"    "Syt4"      "Tas2r135"  "Ccr1"      "Lpar2"     "Myh11"    
#> [235] "Gipr"      "Musk"      "Gpr183"    "Cnr1"      "C3ar1"     "S1pr4"    
#> [241] "Grm2"      "C5ar1"     "Ephb2"     "Fpr1"      "Rho"       "Gpr27"    
#> [247] "Adra1d"    "Gpr157"    "Adgrg2"    "Blank-45"  "Gpr20"     "Casr"     
#> [253] "Avpr2"     "Mc5r"      "Sctr"      "Epha5"     "Gpr158"    "Cxcr4"    
#> [259] "Vipr1"     "Gpr6"      "Blank-148" "Celsr3"    "Uts2r"     "Hrh2"     
#> [265] "Htr6"      "Slc17a6"   "Gpr1"      "Glp2r"     "Ppp1r3g"   "V1ra8"    
#> [271] "Trhr"      "Sstr3"     "Gpr63"     "Htr1a"     "F2rl3"     "Pln"      
#> [277] "Grin2b"    "Gpr37"     "Chrm4"     "Lgr6"      "Gpr61"     "Taar7e"   
#> [283] "Mas1"      "Npy2r"     "Ptger2"    "P2ry2"     "Oprm1"     "Prokr2"   
#> [289] "Adra1a"    "Gpr45"     "Mc4r"      "Blank-128" "Sstr2"     "Flt3"     
#> [295] "Htr5a"     "Ghsr"      "Galr1"     "Blank-95"  "Gpr83"     "Crhr1"    
#> [301] "Brs3"      "Drd5"      "Gpr139"    "Taar6"     "Htr5b"     "Vmn1r40"  
#> [307] "Rrh"       "Blank-83"  "Crhr2"     "Blank-161" "Vmn1r50"   "Tas1r3"   
#> [313] "Taar2"     "P2ry4"     "Mchr1"     "Tas1r1"    "Blank-69"  "Htr7"     
#> [319] "Hcrtr2"    "Htr2a"     "Cysltr2"   "Vmn1r46"   "Grpr"      "Adgrf2"   
#> [325] "Blank-127" "Opn5"      "Taar3"     "Oxtr"      "Cckbr"     "Nmbr"     
#> [331] "Ptger4"    "Blank-145" "Gpr101"    "Slc17a8"   "Adgrf4"    "Epha2"    
#> [337] "Blank-139"