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GiottoVisuals contains the main plotting functions of Giotto Suite


You can install GiottoVisuals like:

if (!requireNamespace("pak", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("pak")

Script Organization by Prefixes:

aux_ - auxilliary and meta functionality
- aux_output.R - plot output handling
- aux_save.R - plot saving
- aux_defaults.R - set plotting defaults
- aux_visuals.R - general auxilliary plotting functions

plot_ - general plotting functions organized by type of plot
- plot_scatter.R - scatter plots
- plot_violin.R - violin plots
- plot_heatmap.R - heatmaps
- plot_dendrogram.R - dendrograms

vis_ - specific plotting functions organized by topic - vis_hvf.R - highly variable features plots
- vis_pc.R - principle components plots
- vis_spatial.R - - vis_spatial_in_situ.R -

gg_ - ggplot2 related
- gg_info_layers.R - modular internals for plotting the different layers of information
- ``

- color_palettes.R - color palettes and factory functions

  • vis_spatialDE.R -

- package_imports.R - all imports
- globals.R - global variables
- dd.R - dummy documentation for inheriting
- zzz.R - onloads