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giotto objects can represent and work with datasets that are:

  • Already aggregated (in the form of a pair of expression matrix and spatial centroids) + (optional) associated analyses

  • Subcellular (polygon/mask annotations and point detections e.g. transcripts or polygon/mask annotations and raw intensity staining images (e.g. protein stains)). + (optional) associated aggregate data

  • Multiple sets/combinations of the previous two belonging to the same experiment, organized by giotto_schema

A giotto analysis object can be generated in several ways:

  • In one step (with createGiottoObject() and input data).

  • A piecewise manner where you start with just an empty giotto object that you append to (either using createGiottoObject() with no params or a call to the class constructor function giotto() - see piecewise creation section and examples).

  • Via technology specific convenience functions (exported from {Giotto})

See for more information. The details sections here also expand on the above options.


  expression_feat = "rna",
  spatial_locs = NULL,
  spatial_info = NULL,
  calc_poly_centroids = FALSE,
  centroids_to_spatlocs = FALSE,
  feat_info = NULL,
  cell_metadata = NULL,
  feat_metadata = NULL,
  spatial_network = NULL,
  spatial_grid = NULL,
  spatial_grid_name = NULL,
  spatial_enrichment = NULL,
  dimension_reduction = NULL,
  nn_network = NULL,
  images = NULL,
  largeImages = NULL,
  offset_file = NULL,
  instructions = NULL,
  cores = determine_cores(),
  raw_exprs = NULL,
  expression_matrix_class = c("dgCMatrix", "DelayedArray"),
  h5_file = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE

  gpolygons = NULL,
  polygon_mask_list_params = NULL,
  polygon_dfr_list_params = NULL,
  gpoints = NULL,
  cell_metadata = NULL,
  feat_metadata = NULL,
  spatial_network = NULL,
  spatial_network_name = NULL,
  spatial_grid = NULL,
  spatial_grid_name = NULL,
  spatial_enrichment = NULL,
  spatial_enrichment_name = NULL,
  dimension_reduction = NULL,
  nn_network = NULL,
  images = NULL,
  largeImages = NULL,
  largeImages_list_params = NULL,
  instructions = NULL,
  cores = NA,
  verbose = FALSE



expression information


available features (e.g. rna, protein, ...)


data.table or data.frame with coordinates for cell centroids


list of giotto polygon objects with spatial information, see createGiottoPolygonsFromMask and createGiottoPolygonsFromDfr


if spatial_info is provided, whether to also calculate centroids


if spatial_info is provided, whether to also convert centroids to spatial locations


list of giotto point objects with feature info, see createGiottoPoints


cell annotation metadata


feature annotation metadata for each unique feature


list of spatial network(s)


list of spatial grid(s)


list of spatial grid name(s)


list of spatial enrichment score(s) for each spatial region


list of dimension reduction(s)


list of nearest neighbor network(s)


list of images




file used to stitch fields together (optional)


list of instructions or output result from createGiottoInstructions


how many cores or threads to use to read data if paths are provided


deprecated, use expression


class of expression matrix to use (e.g. 'dgCMatrix', 'DelayedArray')


path to h5 file


be verbose when building Giotto object


giotto polygons


list parameters for createGiottoPolygonsFromMask


list parameters for createGiottoPolygonsFromDfr


giotto points


list of spatial network name(s)


list of spatial enrichment name(s)


image params when loading largeImages as list


giotto object

single step creation (conventional)

[Requirements] To use this method, you need to provide at least a matrix with genes as row names and cells as column names. This matrix can be provided as a base matrix, sparse Matrix, data.frame, data.table or as a path to any of those. To include spatial information about cells (or regions) you need to provide a matrix, data.table or data.frame (or path to them) with coordinates for all spatial dimensions. This can be 2D (x and y) or 3D (x, y, x). The row order for the cell coordinates should be the same as the column order for the provided expression data.

[Instructions] Additionally an instruction file, generated manually or with createGiottoInstructions can be provided to instructions, if not a default instruction file will be created for the Giotto object.

[Multiple fields] In case a dataset consists of multiple fields, like seqFISH+ for example, an offset file can be provided to stitch the different fields together. stitchFieldCoordinates can be used to generate such an offset file.

[Processed data] Processed count data, such as normalized data, can be provided using one of the different expression slots (norm_expr, norm_scaled_expr, custom_expr).

[Metadata] Cell and gene metadata can be provided using the cell and gene metadata slots. This data can also be added afterwards using the addFeatMetadata or addCellMetadata functions.

[Other information] Additional information can be provided through the appropriate slots:

  • spatial networks

  • spatial grids

  • spatial enrichments

  • dimensions reduction

  • nearest neighbours networks

  • images

createGiottoObjectSubcellular() is another variant of this functionality that specializes in starting from polygon (e.g. cell annotations) and points (e.g. transcripts) information, but it is a legacy function. It is usually most convenient to work with piecewise creation.

piecewise creation (most flexible)

Giotto converts input data into compatible subobjects (exprObj, giottoPolygon, giottoPoints, etc). These subobjects can be created using the relevant create* functions. They can then directly be used to assemble a giotto object.

  1. Create an empty giotto object (either use createGiottoObject() with no params or the class constructor giotto())

  2. Either append created subobjects one by one or all at once as a list of subobjects.

# pseudocode with giotto object and created subobjects:

# Start with an empty giotto object
g <- giotto()

# Data (subobjects) can then be added one by one.
g <- setGiotto(g, polys)
g <- setGiotto(g, transcripts)
g <- setGiotto(g, imgs)
g <- setGiotto(g, expression)
g <- setGiotto(g, cell_meta)

# alternatively as a list
g <- setGiotto(g, list(polys, transcripts, imgs, expression, cell_meta))

technology specific

There are several convenience functions we provide for loading in data from popular platforms. These functions are exported from {Giotto} instead of this package. They take care of reading the expected output folder structures, auto-detecting where needed data items are, formatting items for ingestion, then object creation.

# some examples are:

Also see for technology-specific import utilities that can be used with the piecewise giotto object assembly method.


# create an empty object
g <- createGiottoObject
# (can also use the class generator function)
g <- giotto()
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : 'giotto_env'
#>  python version : 3.10

# create an object containing an expression matrix
expr_matrix <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/toy_matrix.RDS",
    package = "GiottoClass"

createGiottoObject(expression = expr_matrix)
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : 'giotto_env'
#>  python version : 3.10
#> There are non numeric or integer columns for the spatial location
#>  input at column position(s): 1
#>  The first non-numeric column will be considered as a cell ID
#>  to test for consistency with the expression matrix
#>  Other non numeric columns will be removed
#> An object of class giotto 
#> >Active spat_unit:  cell 
#> >Active feat_type:  rna 
#> dimensions    : 10, 10 (features, cells)
#> expression -----------------------
#>   [cell][rna] raw
#> spatial locations ----------------
#>   [cell] raw
#> Use objHistory() to see steps and params used

x_gpolygons <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("giottoPolygon")
x_gpoints <- GiottoData::loadSubObjectMini("giottoPoints")

    gpolygons = x_gpolygons,
    gpoints = x_gpoints
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : 'giotto_env'
#>  python version : 3.10
#> polygonlist is not a list
#> [ cell ] Process polygon info...
#> There are non numeric or integer columns for the spatial location
#>  input at column position(s): 1
#>  The first non-numeric column will be considered as a cell ID
#>  to test for consistency with the expression matrix
#>  Other non numeric columns will be removed
#> Setting spatial locations [aggregate] raw
#> pointslist is not a list
#> [ rna ] Process point info...
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : 'giotto_env'
#>  python version : 3.10
#> An object of class giotto 
#> polygons      : aggregate 
#> features      : rna 
#> spatial locations ----------------
#>   [aggregate] raw
#> Use objHistory() to see steps and params used