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Provides a palette function that will generate 'n' hexadecimal color codes for discrete colors. Sets a default coloring palette if NULL is passed to colors param.

Supports colors setting at three levels:

  • global options (general session setting with blanket color palette type effects)

    • options('giotto.color_d_pal) - palette to use

    • options('giotto.color_d_rev) - whether colors should be reversed

    • options('giotto.color_d_strategy) - strategy to use when making colors continuous. See get_continuous_colors()

  • giotto instructions (gobject specific and effects specific types of plots)

  • function specific (directly pass desired colors to plotting function)

If a character vector of length 1 input is provided then it will be assumed that a known color palette is being requested from pal_names().
If a longer character input is provided then they will be expected to be a vector of colors to use. These values will be passed to simple_palette_factory which will generate a palette function that interpolates between the colors provided by default and has a n param for number of requested colors.
Custom function inputs to colors is also supported but these custom functions should have a n param for number of requested colors.


  colors = NULL,

set_default_color_discrete_cell(colors = NULL, instrs, ...)

set_default_color_discrete_poly(colors = NULL, instrs, ...)

set_default_color_discrete_feat(colors = NULL, instrs, ...)

set_default_color_discrete_heatmap_clus(colors = NULL, instrs, ...)



accepts color inputs


additional params to pass

instr_pal, instr_rev, instr_strategy

used by upstream function to pass specific giottoInstructions params


giottoInstructions object (output of instructions(gobject))


a palette function

vector of color ids


  • set_default_color_discrete(): Framework function. Direct use should be minimal. Wrap this for specific things (plots or types of features) that need defaults setting.


set_default_color_discrete(colors = "#eb4034",
instr_rev = NULL, instr_strategy = NULL)
#> function (n) 
#> {
#>     col <- getColors(pal = pal, n = n, rev = rev, strategy = "cutoff")
#>     get_continuous_colors(col = col, n = n, strategy = strategy)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x559b7b33cf08>
#> <environment: 0x559b7fc0b580>