Docker Image with
We have set up a Docker
Image linked to RStudio with Giotto pre-installed.
Follow these instructions to create your own Docker container and run
- docker pull
- docker run
--rm -p 8787:8787 -e PASSWORD=mypassword giottopackage/rstudio_suite:latest
- You may use any port as long as it is not in use.
- You can set the password to whatever you like.
- Open the browser of your choice and enter localhost:yourport.
- Where yourport is either 8787 or the port you assigned it in step
- You will be directed to an RStudio login.
- Username: rstudio
- Password: mypassword
Note: The password you enter will be whatever you
declared in step 2.
- Run the following in RStudio:
- library(Giotto)
- Now you can run any analysis with Giotto!
Docker Image with bash
If you prefer to run your analysis directly on the terminal, we have
set up a Docker
Image able to run in a bash environment.
Follow these instructions to create your own Docker container and run
- docker pull
- docker run
-ti giottopackage/suite:v4.1.4 /bin/bash
- R
- Run the following in R:
- library(Giotto)
- Now you can run any analysis with Giotto!