1 Dataset explanation

This tutorial covers Giotto object creation and simple exploratory analysis with the gene expression data generated on Spatial Genomics’ GenePS instrument of kidney tissue resected from a 2-month-old female mouse. The data was generated using sequential fluorescence in situ hybridization (seqFISH) to visualize 220 genes directly in the sample.

2 Start Giotto

# Ensure Giotto Suite is installed
if (!"Giotto" %in% installed.packages()) {

# Ensure Giotto Data is installed
if (!"GiottoData" %in% installed.packages()) {

# Ensure the Python environment for Giotto has been installed
genv_exists <- Giotto::checkGiottoEnvironment()
if (!genv_exists) {
    # The following command need only be run once to install the Giotto environment

3 Project Data Paths


# Set path to folder containing spatial genomics data
data_path <- "/path/to/data/Spatial_Genomics/data/"

dapi <- paste0(data_path, "SG_MouseKidneyDataRelease_DAPI_section1.ome.tiff")
mask <- paste0(data_path, "SG_MouseKidneyDataRelease_CellMask_section1.tiff")
tx <- paste0(data_path, "SG_MouseKidneyDataRelease_TranscriptCoordinates_section1.csv")

4 Create a Giotto object

# Create and plot giotto polygons
gpoly <- createGiottoPolygonsFromMask(mask,
    shift_vertical_step = FALSE,
    shift_horizontal_step = FALSE,
    flip_horizontal = FALSE,
    flip_vertical = FALSE


# Create and plot giotto points
tx <- data.table::fread(tx)
gpoints <- createGiottoPoints(tx)
plot(gpoints, raster_size = 1e3)

# Create giottoLargeImage and giottoObject
gimg <- createGiottoLargeImage(dapi, use_rast_ext = TRUE)

sg <- createGiottoObjectSubcellular(
    gpoints = list("rna" = gpoints),
    gpolygons = list("cell" = gpoly)
sg <- addGiottoLargeImage(sg, largeImages = list(image = gimg))

5 Aggregate, Normalize, and Filter Giotto Data

# Aggregate
sg <- calculateOverlapRaster(sg,
    spatial_info = "cell",
    feat_info = "rna"
sg <- overlapToMatrix(sg)
sg <- addSpatialCentroidLocations(sg)

# Filter and Normalize
filterDistributions(sg, detection = "feats")
filterDistributions(sg, detection = "cells")

sg <- filterGiotto(sg, feat_det_in_min_cells = 100, 
                   min_det_feats_per_cell = 20,
                   expression_threshold = 1)

sg <- normalizeGiotto(sg)

# Statistics
sg <- addStatistics(sg)

6 Dimension Reduction

6.1 Highly Variable Features

# Calculate highly variable features
sg <- calculateHVF(gobject = sg)
cat(fDataDT(sg)[, sum(hvf == "yes")], "hvf found")

# Only 18 hvf found -> better to use ALL genes -> feats_to_use = NULL
sg <- runPCA(
    gobject = sg,
    spat_unit = "cell",
    expression_values = "scaled",
    feats_to_use = NULL,
    scale_unit = FALSE,
    center = FALSE

6.2 PCA

# Visualize Screeplot and PCA
    ncp = 20,
    save_param = list(
        save_name = "sg_screePlot"
    spat_unit = "cell",
    dim_reduction_name = "pca",
    dim1_to_use = 1,
    dim2_to_use = 2

6.3 tSNE and UMAP

# Run and Plot tSNE and UMAP
sg <- runtSNE(sg,
    dimensions_to_use = 1:10,
    spat_unit = "cell",
    check_duplicates = FALSE
sg <- runUMAP(sg,
    dimensions_to_use = 1:10,
    spat_unit = "cell"
    point_size = 0.01,
    save_param = list(
        save_name = "sg_tSNE"
    point_size = 0.01,
    save_param = list(
        save_name = "sg_UMAP"

7 Clustering

7.1 UMAP Leiden Clustering

# Clustering and UMAP cluster visualization
sg <- createNearestNetwork(sg,
    dimensions_to_use = 1:10,
    k = 10,
    spat_unit = "cell"
sg <- doLeidenCluster(sg,
    resolution = 0.25,
    n_iterations = 100,
    spat_unit = "cell"
# Plot Leiden clusters onto UMAP
    gobject = sg,
    spat_unit = "cell",
    cell_color = "leiden_clus",
    show_legend = FALSE,
    point_size = 0.01,
    point_shape = "no_border",
    save_param = list(save_name = "sg_umap_leiden")

7.2 Spatial Leiden Clustering

# Plot Leiden clusters onto spatial image plot
my_spatPlot <- spatPlot2D(
    gobject = sg,
    spat_unit = "cell",
    cell_color = "leiden_clus",
    point_size = 0.4,
    point_shape = "no_border",
    show_legend = TRUE,
    image_name = gimg,
    save_param = list(
        save_name = "sg_spat_leiden",
        base_width = 15,
        base_height = 15

8 Cell Type Marker Gene Detection

# Identify gene markers_gini per cluster
markers_gini <- findmarkers_gini_one_vs_all(
    gobject = sg,
    method = "gini",
    expression_values = "normalized",
    cluster_column = "leiden_clus",
    min_feats = 1, rank_score = 2

# Display details about the marker genes
markers_gini[, head(.SD, 2), by = "cluster"]

# Violinplots to show marker expression
topgenes_gini <- unique(markers_gini[, head(.SD, 2), by = "cluster"])

           feats = topgenes_gini$feats[1:10], 
           cluster_column = "leiden_clus")

           feats = topgenes_gini$feats[11:20], 
           cluster_column = "leiden_clus")

# Known markers_gini to Annotate Giotto
selected_genes <- c(
    "My12", "G6pc", "Ppp1r1a", "Grik5", "Hsd11b2", "Rhbg", "Mapk11",
    "Egf17", "Gpr55", "Acsm2", "Tpm2", "D1c1", "Shisa3",
    "Tspan2", "Sox17", "Eef2", "Cd79b", "Ctss", "Serpina1f", "Cyp51"

cell_metadata <- pDataDT(sg)
cluster_order <- unique(cell_metadata$leiden_clus)

# Plot markers_gini to clusters heatmap
    expression_values = "scaled",
    metadata_cols = c("leiden_clus"),
    selected_feats = selected_genes,
    custom_feat_order = rev(selected_genes),
    custom_cluster_order = cluster_order

9 Spatial Gene Expression Patterns

9.1 Establish Delaunay Network

plotStatDelaunayNetwork(gobject = sg, 
                        maximum_distance = 250)

sg <- createSpatialNetwork(
    gobject = sg, 
    minimum_k = 2,
    maximum_distance_delaunay = 250

sg <- createSpatialNetwork(
    gobject = sg, 
    minimum_k = 2,
    method = "kNN", 
    k = 10

9.2 Binspect by K-Means

km_spatialfeats <- binSpect(sg)

    expression_values = "scaled",
    feats = km_spatialfeats[1:4]$feats,
    point_shape = "no_border",
    show_network = FALSE, 
    network_color = "lightgrey",
    point_size = 0.5,
    cow_n_col = 2

9.3 Binspect by Rank

rank_spatialfeats <- binSpect(sg, 
                              bin_method = "rank")

    expression_values = "scaled",
    feats = rank_spatialfeats[1:4]$feats,
    point_shape = "no_border",
    show_network = FALSE, 
    network_color = "lightgrey", 
    point_size = 0.5,
    cow_n_col = 2

10 Spatial Co-Expression Patterns

# Spatial Co-Expression
spatial_genes <- km_spatialfeats[1:500]$feats

# 1. create spatial correlation object
spat_cor_netw_DT  <- detectSpatialCorFeats(sg,
    method = "network",
    spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network",
    subset_feats = spatial_genes

# 2. identify most similar spatially correlated genes for one gene
Acsm2_top10_genes <- showSpatialCorFeats(spat_cor_netw_DT, 
                                         feats = "Acsm2", 
                                         show_top_feats = 10)

    expression_values = "scaled",
    feats = Acsm2_top10_genes$variable[1:4], 
    point_size = 0.5,
    point_shape = "no_border"

# 3. cluster correlated genes & visualize
spat_cor_netw_DT <- clusterSpatialCorFeats(spat_cor_netw_DT, 
                                           name = "spat_netw_clus", 
                                           k = 10)

    spatCorObject = spat_cor_netw_DT, 
    use_clus_name = "spat_netw_clus",
    heatmap_legend_param = list(title = "Spatial Correlation")

# 4. rank spatial correlated clusters and show genes for selected clusters
netw_ranks <- rankSpatialCorGroups(sg,
                                   spatCorObject = spat_cor_netw_DT,
                                   use_clus_name = "spat_netw_clus"

top_netw_spat_cluster <- showSpatialCorFeats(spat_cor_netw_DT,
                                             use_clus_name = "spat_netw_clus",
                                             show_top_feats = 1

# 5. create metagene enrichment score for clusters
cluster_genes <- top_netw_spat_cluster$clus
names(cluster_genes) <- top_netw_spat_cluster$feat_ID

sg <- createMetafeats(sg, 
                      feat_clusters = cluster_genes, 
                      name = "cluster_metagene")

    spat_enr_names = "cluster_metagene",
    cell_annotation_values = netw_ranks[1:4]$clusters,
    point_size = 0.05, 
    point_shape = "no_border"

    spat_enr_names = "cluster_metagene",
    cell_annotation_values = netw_ranks[5:8]$clusters,
    point_size = 0.05, 
    point_shape = "no_border"

    spat_enr_names = "cluster_metagene",
    cell_annotation_values = netw_ranks[9:10]$clusters,
    point_size = 0.05, 
    point_shape = "no_border"

11 Session Info