Dataset explanation

This dataset was generated in-house at Resolve Biosciences using customer-provided tissue sections. The experiment used a custom 34-gene target panel to measure gene expression in situ for five samples across three Molecular observation slides (Slide 873, Sample C1; Slide 874, Sample D2; Slide 879, Samples B1, C2, D2). The dataset contains DAPI image, expression matrix, gene list, and cell segmentation files for download. Data made available with kind permission from a Resolve Biosciences customer.

You can download the files here. To run this example, we will use the Molecular observation slide 873.

# Ensure Giotto Suite is installed.
if(!"Giotto" %in% installed.packages()) {

# Ensure GiottoData, a small, helper module for tutorials, is installed.
if(!"GiottoData" %in% installed.packages()) {

# Ensure the Python environment for Giotto has been installed.
genv_exists = Giotto::checkGiottoEnvironment()
  # The following command need only be run once to install the Giotto environment.

Start Giotto


# Optional: Specify a path to a Python executable within a conda or miniconda 
# environment. If set to NULL (default), the Python executable within the previously
# installed Giotto environment will be used.
my_python_path = NULL # alternatively, "/local/python/path/python" if desired.

## create instructions
results_folder = "/path/to/results/"

instrs = createGiottoInstructions(save_dir = results_folder,
                                  save_plot = TRUE,
                                  show_plot = FALSE,
                                  python_path = my_python_path)

Input Files

## provide path to resolve bioscience folder
data_path = '/path/to/data/'

# 1. original image as png
original_DAPI_image = paste0(data_path, '00008-slide873_C1_DAPI.tiff')

# 2. input cell segmentation as mask file
# can also be provided as a 3-column polygon file
# to be used as image background AND to store segmentations as polygons
# can be obtained through Fiji / QuPath / Ilastik / Cellpose / ...
segmentation_mask = paste0(data_path, '00008-slide873_C1_brightfield.tiff')

# 3. input features coordinates
tx_coord = data.table::fread(paste0(data_path, '00008-slide873_C1_results_withFP.txt'))
colnames(tx_coord)[1:4] = c('x', 'y', 'z', 'gene_id')
tx_coord = tx_coord[,.(x, y, gene_id)]

1. Create Subcellular Giotto Object

testobj <- createGiottoObjectSubcellular(gpoints = list('rna' = tx_coord),
                                         gpolygons = list('cell' = segmentation_mask),
                                         instructions = instrs,
                                         verbose = TRUE)

2. Create Spatial Locations

# centroids are now used to provide the spatial locations (centroid of each cell)
# needed for certain downstream spatial analyses
testobj <- addSpatialCentroidLocations(testobj,
                                       poly_info = 'cell')

3. Add Image Information

# create Giotto images
DAPI_image = createGiottoImage(gobject = testobj,
                               name = 'DAPI',
                               do_manual_adj = T,
                               xmax_adj = 0,ymax_adj = 0,
                               xmin_adj = 0,ymin_adj = 0,
                               image_transformations = 'flip_x_axis',
                               mg_object = original_DAPI_image)

segm_image = createGiottoImage(gobject = testobj,
                               name = 'segmentation',
                               do_manual_adj = T,
                               xmax_adj = 0,ymax_adj = 0,
                               xmin_adj = 0,ymin_adj = 0,
                               image_transformations = 'flip_x_axis',
                               mg_object = segmentation_mask)

# add images to Giotto object
testobj = addGiottoImage(testobj,
                         images = list(DAPI_image, segm_image))

# provides an overview of available images

4. Visualize Original Images

# visualize overlay of calculated cell centroid with original image and segmentation mask file
# by setting show_plot to FALSE and save_plot to TRUE you can save quite some time when creating plots
# with big images it sometimes takes quite long for R/Rstudio to render them
spatPlot2D(gobject = testobj, 
           image_name = 'DAPI', 
           point_size = 1.5) 

spatPlot2D(gobject = testobj, 
           image_name = 'segmentation', 
           point_size = 1.5)

5. Calculate Cell Shape Overlap

testobj = calculateOverlap(testobj,
                           method = 'parallel',
                           x_step = 1000,
                           y_step = 1000,
                           poly_info = 'cell',
                           feat_info = 'rna')
#convert overlap to matrix 
testobj = overlapToMatrix(testobj,
                          poly_info = 'cell',
                          feat_info = 'rna',
                          name = 'raw')

6. Filter Data

# features can be filtered individually
# cells will be filtered across features

# first filter on rna
subc_test <- filterGiotto(gobject = testobj,
                          expression_threshold = 1,
                          feat_det_in_min_cells = 20,
                          min_det_feats_per_cell = 5)

spatPlot2D(gobject = subc_test,
           image_name = 'segmentation', show_image = TRUE,
           point_size = 1.5)

7. Process Giotto Object

# rna data, default.
# other feature modalities can be processed and filtered in an anologous manner
subc_test <- normalizeGiotto(gobject = subc_test, 
                             scalefactor = 6000, 
                             verbose = T)
subc_test <- addStatistics(gobject = subc_test)
subc_test <- adjustGiottoMatrix(gobject = subc_test,
                                expression_values = c('normalized'),
                                covariate_columns = c('nr_feats', 'total_expr'))

subc_test <- normalizeGiotto(gobject = subc_test, norm_methods = 'pearson_resid', update_slot = 'pearson')

8. Dimension Reduction

# Find highly valuable Features

# typical way of calculating HVF
subc_test <- calculateHVF(gobject = subc_test, HVFname= 'hvg_orig')

# new method based on variance of pearson residuals for each gene
subc_test <- calculateHVF(gobject = subc_test,
                          method = 'var_p_resid', 
                          expression_values = 'pearson',
                          show_plot = T)

#run PCA
subc_test <- runPCA(gobject = subc_test,
                    expression_values = 'pearson',
                    scale_unit = F, center = F)

screePlot(subc_test, ncp = 20)

        dim1_to_use = 1,
        dim2_to_use = 2)

# run UMAP
subc_test <- runUMAP(subc_test, 
                     dimensions_to_use = 1:5, 
                     n_threads = 2)
plotUMAP(gobject = subc_test)

9. Cluster

subc_test <- createNearestNetwork(gobject = subc_test, 
                                  dimensions_to_use = 1:5, 
                                  k = 5)
subc_test <- doLeidenCluster(gobject = subc_test, 
                             resolution = 0.05, 
                             n_iterations = 1000, 
                             name = 'leiden_0.05')

# Create color palettes, or proceed with Giotto defaults
colorcode = lacroix_palette(type = "paired")
featcolor = lacroix_palette("KeyLime", type = "discrete")

# visualize UMAP cluster results
plotUMAP(gobject = subc_test, 
         cell_color = 'leiden_clus',
         show_NN_network = T, 
         point_size = 2.5, 
         cell_color_code = colorcode)

# visualize UMAP and spatial results
spatDimPlot2D(gobject = subc_test,
              show_image = T, 
              image_name = 'segmentation',
              cell_color = 'leiden_clus',
              spat_point_size = 2, 
              cell_color_code = colorcode)

# Plot a cluster heatmap
showClusterHeatmap(gobject = subc_test, 
                   cluster_column = 'leiden_clus',
                   save_param = list(save_format = 'pdf',base_height = 6, base_width = 8, units = 'cm'))

# See cluster relationships in a dendogram
                      h = 0.5, 
                      rotate = T, 
                      cluster_column = 'leiden_clus')

10. Create a Spatial Network

subc_test = createSpatialNetwork(gobject = subc_test,
                                 spat_loc_name = 'cell',
                                 minimum_k = 3,
                                 maximum_distance_delaunay = 100)

spatPlot2D(gobject = subc_test,
           image_name = 'segmentation', 
           show_image = TRUE,
           point_size = 1.5, 
           show_network = TRUE)

11. Visualize SubCellular Data

# Visualize clustered cells
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1,
                     polygon_fill = 'leiden_clus',
                     polygon_fill_as_factor = T , 
                     polygon_fill_code = colorcode)

# individual plotting of transcripts and polygon information

# all cells
                     feats = list('rna' = c("MMP2", "VEGFA", "IGF1R", 'CDH2', 'MKI67')),
                     point_size = 0.2,
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1)

# filtered cells
                     feats = list('rna' = c("MMP2", "VEGFA", "IGF1R", 'CDH2', 'MKI67')),
                     point_size = 0.2,
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1)

# faster plotting method if you have many points
                     plot_method = 'scattermore',
                     feats = list('rna' = c("MMP2", "VEGFA", "IGF1R", 'CDH2', 'MKI67')),
                     point_size = 0.2,
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1)

11.1 Subset by Location

# can be used to focus on specific spatial structures
# to zoom in on niche environments

subloc = subsetGiottoLocs(subc_test,
                          x_min = 0, x_max = 2000,
                          y_min = 0, y_max = 2000,
                          poly_info = 'cell')

# show subset of genes
                     feats = list('rna' = c("MMP2", "VEGFA", "IGF1R", 'CDH2', 'MKI67')),
                     point_size = 0.6,
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1)

# show subset of genes and color cells according to clusters
                     feats = list('rna' = c("MMP2", "VEGFA", "IGF1R", 'CDH2', 'MKI67')),
                     point_size = 0.6,
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1,
                     polygon_fill = 'leiden_clus',
                     polygon_fill_as_factor = T, 
                     polygon_fill_code = colorcode,
                     feats_color_code = featcolor)

# show subset of genes and color cells according to total expression
# use a faster and more efficient point plotting method = scattermore
                     plot_method = 'scattermore',
                     feats = list('rna' = c("MMP2", "VEGFA", "IGF1R", 'CDH2', 'MKI67')),
                     point_size = 0.6,
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1,
                     polygon_fill = 'total_expr',
                     polygon_fill_as_factor = F)

# show cells and color them according to total expression
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1,
                     polygon_fill = 'total_expr',
                     polygon_fill_as_factor = F)

# show cells and color them according to total cluster information
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'white',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1,
                     polygon_fill = 'leiden_clus',
                     polygon_fill_as_factor = T, 
                     polygon_fill_code = colorcode)

12. Find Interaction Changed Features

# find interaction changed Features
# In this case, features are genes whose expression difference is associated with a neighboring cell type
future::plan('multisession', workers = 4) # sometimes unstable, restart R session

test = findInteractionChangedFeats(gobject = subc_test,
                                   cluster_column = 'leiden_clus')

test$ICFscores[type_int == 'hetero']

                     feats = list('rna' = c("CTSD", "BMP1")),
                     point_size = 0.6,
                     show_polygon = TRUE,
                     polygon_feat_type = 'cell',
                     polygon_color = 'black',
                     polygon_line_size = 0.1,
                     polygon_fill = 'leiden_clus',
                     polygon_fill_as_factor = T,
                     polygon_fill_code = colorcode,
                     feats_color_code = featcolor)