Giotto EnvironmentInstall and work with Giotto Python Environment. |
Giotto python environment (from GiottoClass) |
Giotto python environment (from GiottoClass) |
Giotto python environment (from GiottoClass) |
Giotto InstructionsCreate or change Giotto instructions. |
Giotto instructions (from GiottoClass) |
Giotto instructions (from GiottoClass) |
Import Raw DataFunctions to help to import raw spatial data. |
getSpatialDataset (from GiottoData) |
Read expression matrix (from GiottoClass) |
get10Xmatrix |
get10Xmatrix_h5 |
stitchFieldCoordinates (from GiottoClass) |
stitchTileCoordinates (from GiottoClass) |
readPolygonFilesVizgen |
readPolygonFilesVizgenHDF5 |
Read MERSCOPE polygons from parquet |
getGEFtxCoords |
ImagesFunctions to work with images for a Giotto object. |
estimateImageBg (from GiottoClass) |
changeImageBg (from GiottoClass) |
createGiottoImage (from GiottoClass) |
addGiottoImage (from GiottoClass) |
addGiottoImageToSpatPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
showGiottoImageNames (from GiottoClass) |
updateGiottoImage (from GiottoClass) |
Get giotto image object (from GiottoClass) |
Plot a giotto image object (from GiottoClass) |
Set giotto image object (from GiottoClass) |
addGiottoLargeImage (from GiottoClass) |
createGiottoLargeImage (from GiottoClass) |
createGiottoLargeImageList (from GiottoClass) |
Create Vizgen MERSCOPE largeImage |
Crop a giotto largeImage object (from GiottoClass) |
updateGiottoLargeImage (from GiottoClass) |
writeGiottoLargeImage (from GiottoClass) |
Stitch multiple giottoLargeImage objects into a single giottoLargeImage object (from GiottoClass) |
convertGiottoLargeImageToMG (from GiottoClass) |
addGiottoImageMG (from GiottoClass) |
updateGiottoImageMG (from GiottoClass) |
Plot distribution of image intensity values (from GiottoClass) |
Reconnect images with dead pointers (from GiottoClass) |
registerImagesFIJI |
registerGiottoObjectList |
registerGiottoObjectListFiji |
registerGiottoObjectListRvision |
Estimate Automated ImageRegistration With SIFT |
Run SIFT feature detector and descriptor extractor |
Warp transformed images from estimated transformation |
Estimate affine transformation from matched descriptor |
Match image descriptors |
plot matched descriptors |
Preprocess from image directory to the required matrix format for Image registration pipeline built on scikit-image |
Giotto ObjectFunctions to help to import raw spatial data. |
Create a giotto object (from GiottoClass) |
Create a giotto object from 10x visium data |
Create 10x VisiumHD Giotto Object |
Create a giotto object from subcellular data (from GiottoClass) |
Create Nanostring CosMx Giotto Object |
Create Vizgen MERSCOPE Giotto Object |
Create a Giotto object from an ArchR project |
Create an ArchR project and run LSI dimension reduction |
Create 10x Xenium Giotto Object |
readPolygonFilesVizgenHDF5 |
Import a Nanostring CosMx Assay |
Import a Visium HD assay |
Import a 10X Xenium Assay |
read10xAffineImage |
Load and Save Giotto ObjectFunctions to help loading and saving a giotto object from and to a local folder. |
loadGiotto (from GiottoClass) |
saveGiotto (from GiottoClass) |
Giotto Helper FunctionsCommon functions to help working with Giotto objects. |
pDataDT (from GiottoClass) |
fDataDT (from GiottoClass) |
showProcessingSteps (from GiottoClass) |
calculateMetaTable (from GiottoClass) |
calculateMetaTableCells (from GiottoClass) |
createMetafeats (from GiottoClass) |
Find network neighbors |
Giotto object history (from GiottoClass) |
Find Fiji location |
Report ExtractorsFunctions to extract report tables of information |
Giotto object spatial values (from GiottoClass) |
combineCellData (from GiottoClass) |
combineFeatureData (from GiottoClass) |
combineMetadata (from GiottoClass) |
combineSpatialCellMetadataInfo (from GiottoClass) |
combineFeatureOverlapData (from GiottoClass) |
Giotto Getters & SettersLow level functions to get, set and show Giotto slots. |
Get expression values (from GiottoClass) |
Set expression data (from GiottoClass) |
Get spatial locations (from GiottoClass) |
Set spatial locations (from GiottoClass) |
Get dimension reduction (from GiottoClass) |
Set dimension reduction data (from GiottoClass) |
Get nearest neighbor network (from GiottoClass) |
Set nearest neighbor network (from GiottoClass) |
Get spatial network (from GiottoClass) |
Set spatial network (from GiottoClass) |
Get spatial grid (from GiottoClass) |
Set spatial grid (from GiottoClass) |
Get polygon info (from GiottoClass) |
Set polygon info (from GiottoClass) |
Get feature info (from GiottoClass) |
Set feature info (from GiottoClass) |
getFeatureMetadata (from GiottoClass) |
Set feature metadata (from GiottoClass) |
Get spatial enrichment (from GiottoClass) |
Set spatial enrichment (from GiottoClass) |
getCellMetadata (from GiottoClass) |
Set cell metadata (from GiottoClass) |
Get multiomics integration results (from GiottoClass) |
Set multiomics integration results (from GiottoClass) |
Giotto Show SlotsShow what is available in different information slots. |
showGiottoExpression (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoCellMetadata (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoDimRed (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoFeatInfo (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoFeatMetadata (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoImageNames (from GiottoClass) |
deprecated (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoNearestNetworks (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoSpatEnrichments (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoSpatGrids (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoSpatialInfo (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoSpatLocs (from GiottoClass) |
showGiottoSpatNetworks (from GiottoClass) |
Show Spatial Grids (from GiottoClass) |
Show networks (from GiottoClass) |
showPattern |
showPattern2D |
showPattern3D |
showPatternGenes |
Modify Giotto ObjectModifications to the Giotto objects. |
filterGiotto |
filterCombinations |
filterDistributions |
subsetGiotto (from GiottoClass) |
Subset by spatial locations (from GiottoClass) |
deprecated (from GiottoClass) |
Join giotto objects (from GiottoClass) |
normalizeGiotto |
Adjust expression values |
Annotate Giotto object (from GiottoClass) |
Remove cell annotation (from GiottoClass) |
Remove feature annotation (from GiottoClass) |
Add cell metadata (from GiottoClass) |
Add feature metadata (from GiottoClass) |
Transfer labels/annotations between sets of data via similarity voting |
Add feature statistics |
addCellStatistics |
addStatistics |
addFeatsPerc |
addCellIntMetadata |
processGiotto |
deprecated |
Dimension ReductionFunctions to reduce dimensions. |
calculateHVF |
signPCA |
screePlot |
create_screeplot |
jackstrawPlot |
Run dimension reduction method |
Run Non-Negative Matrix Factorization |
runPCA |
Run UMAP dimension reduction |
Run tSNE dimensional reduction |
runGiottoHarmony |
Multi omics integration with WNN |
Run integrated UMAP |
runPCAprojection |
runPCAprojectionBatch |
Run UMAP dimension reduction |
ClusteringFunctions to cluster cells. |
calculateHVF |
createNearestNetwork (from GiottoClass) |
addNetworkLayout (from GiottoClass) |
clusterCells |
doLeidenCluster |
doLeidenClusterIgraph |
doLouvainCluster |
doKmeans |
doHclust |
doRandomWalkCluster |
doSNNCluster |
Cell subclustering |
getClusterSimilarity |
mergeClusters |
getDendrogramSplits |
Projection of cluster labels |
doGiottoClustree |
Marker GenesFunctions to detect cell type / cluster specific marker genes. |
findMarkers |
findMarkers_one_vs_all |
findGiniMarkers |
findGiniMarkers_one_vs_all |
findScranMarkers |
findScranMarkers_one_vs_all |
findMastMarkers |
findMastMarkers_one_vs_all |
Spatial EnrichmentAlgorithms to compute spatial enrichment of gene signatures or scRNA-seq matrix. |
PAGE feature enrichment |
makeSignMatrixRank |
runSpatialEnrich |
runRankEnrich |
runHyperGeometricEnrich |
Create Spatial Genomics Giotto Object |
doFeatureSetEnrichment |
selectPatternGenes |
silhouetteRank |
silhouetteRankTest |
Spatial DeconvolutionAlgorithms to perform spatial deconvolution based on gene signatures or single-cell RNAseq information. |
makeSignMatrixDWLSfromMatrix |
makeSignMatrixDWLS |
runSpatialDeconv |
runDWLSDeconv |
spatDeconvPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
featExpDWLS |
Spatial Network or GridFunction to (help) create a spatial network or grid. |
Plot spatial distance distribution (from GiottoVisuals) |
spatNetwDistributionsKneighbors (from GiottoVisuals) |
spatNetwDistributions (from GiottoVisuals) |
Create a spatial Delaunay network (from GiottoClass) |
plotStatDelaunayNetwork (from GiottoVisuals) |
createSpatialKNNnetwork (from GiottoClass) |
annotateSpatialNetwork (from GiottoClass) |
annotateSpatialGrid (from GiottoClass) |
createSpatialGrid (from GiottoClass) |
createSpatialDefaultGrid (from GiottoClass) |
Split cluster annotations based on a spatial network |
Spatial Expression PatternsMethods to detect spatially coherent expression patterns. |
binSpect |
binSpectMultiMatrix |
spatialDE |
spatialAEH |
trendSceek |
spark |
filterSpatialGenes |
Simulate Spatial Expression PatternsFunction to simulate a user-defined pattern using the full complexity of the different gene distributions. |
simulateOneGenePatternGiottoObject |
runPatternSimulation |
Spatial Co-Expression ModulesMethod to detect spatially co-expressed feature modules. |
clusterSpatialCorFeats |
Detect spatially correlated features |
clusterSpatialCorGenes |
detectSpatialPatterns |
heatmSpatialCorFeats |
showSpatialCorFeats |
showSpatialCorGenes |
rankSpatialCorGroups |
Get balanced spatial coexpression features |
Hidden Markov Random Field (HMRF)Functions to identify spatial domains with HMRF. |
doHMRF |
doHMRF_V2 |
initHMRF_V2 |
loadHMRF |
viewHMRFresults |
viewHMRFresults_V2 |
writeHMRFresults |
addHMRF |
addHMRF_V2 |
viewHMRFresults2D |
viewHMRFresults3D |
Basic VisualizationsFunctions for different visualization options to explore gene, cell or cluster characteristics. |
showClusterHeatmap (from GiottoVisuals) |
showClusterDendrogram (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotHeatmap (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotMetaDataHeatmap (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotMetaDataCellsHeatmap (from GiottoVisuals) |
violinPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
Create a dotplot (from GiottoVisuals) |
2D Visualization In Expression SpaceVisualization of expression space (e.g. UMAP) in 2D. |
Plot dimension reduction (from GiottoVisuals) |
Plot dimension reduction (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotUMAP (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotUMAP_2D (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotTSNE (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotTSNE_2D (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotPCA (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotPCA_2D (from GiottoVisuals) |
dimFeatPlot2D (from GiottoVisuals) |
dimCellPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
2D Visualization in Spatial SpaceVisualization of expression space (e.g. UMAP) in 2D. |
spatPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
spatCellPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
Plot data in physical space 2D (from GiottoVisuals) |
2D Visualization In Both Spatial And Expression SpaceVisualization in both 2D spatial and expression space. |
spatDimPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
spatDimCellPlot2D (from GiottoVisuals) |
spatDimFeatPlot2D (from GiottoVisuals) |
3D Visualization Dimension ReductionVisualization of expression space (e.g. UMAP) in 3D. |
Plot dimension reduction (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotTSNE_3D (from GiottoVisuals) |
plotPCA_3D (from GiottoVisuals) |
3D Visualization In Spatial SpaceVisualization in 3D spatial space. |
spatPlot (from GiottoVisuals) |
3D visualization in Spatial and Expression SpaceVisualization in 3D spatial space. |
spatDimPlot3D (from GiottoVisuals) |
Plotting UtilitiesFunctions to assist in plotting. |
getDistinctColors (from GiottoUtils) |
getRainbowColors (from GiottoUtils) |
getColors (from GiottoVisuals) |
showSaveParameters (from GiottoVisuals) |
In Silico Cross SectionsFunctions to create an in silico 2D cross sections from 3D data. |
createCrossSection |
crossSectionPlot |
crossSectionFeatPlot |
crossSectionPlot3D |
crossSectionFeatPlot3D |
insertCrossSectionSpatPlot3D |
insertCrossSectionFeatPlot3D |
create_crossSection_object |
Cell Neighborhood, Cell-Type/Cell-Type EnrichmentFunctions to calculate and visualize cell-type/cell-type spatial enrichment or depletion. |
cellProximityEnrichment |
cellProximityEnrichmentEachSpot |
cellProximityEnrichmentSpots |
cellProximityBarplot |
cellProximityHeatmap |
cellProximityNetwork |
cellProximitySpatPlot |
cellProximitySpatPlot3D |
Spatial cell cell communication scoring |
deprecated |
deprecated |
findCellTypesFromEnrichment |
pieCellTypesFromEnrichment |
plotCellTypesFromEnrichment |
plotCellProximityFeatSpot |
showCellProportionSwitchedPie |
showCellProportionSwitchedSanKey |
spatCellCellcomSpots |
Cell Neighborhood, Spatial Interaction Changed Features (ICF)Identify and visualize features (genes) that change in a source cell type due to interaction with another neighboring cell type. |
findInteractionChangedFeats |
findICFSpot |
deprecated |
deprecated |
filterInteractionChangedFeats |
deprecated |
filterICFSpot |
deprecated |
Plot interaction changed features |
plotICFSpot |
plotCellProximityFeats |
plotCPF |
combineInteractionChangedFeats |
plotCombineInteractionChangedFeats |
Plot interaction changed features |
plotCombineICF |
deprecated |
deprecated |
deprecated |
deprecated |
deprecated |
Spatial autocorrelation |
Compute spatial auto correlation using spdep |
Split cluster annotations based on a spatial network |
Cell Neighborhood, Ligand-Receptor Cell CommunicationFunctions to calculate and visualize cell-type/cell-type spatial enrichment or depletion. |
Combine cell cell communication tables |
exprCellCellcom |
Spatial cell cell communication scoring |
plotCCcomDotplot |
plotRankSpatvsExpr |
plotRecovery |
plotCCcomHeatmap |
plotCombineCellCellCommunication |
plotCombineCCcom |
SubcellularFunctions to manipulate and visualize subcellular data. |
Add corresponding polygon IDs to cell metadata |
Add subcellular giotto points object to giotto object (from GiottoClass) |
Add subcellular giotto points object to giotto object (from GiottoClass) |
Add giotto polygons to giotto object (from GiottoClass) |
Add Visium Polygons to Giotto Object |
addSpatialCentroidLocations (from GiottoClass) |
addSpatialCentroidLocationsLayer (from GiottoClass) |
calculateOverlapParallel (from GiottoClass) |
calculateOverlapPolygonImages (from GiottoClass) |
calculateOverlapRaster (from GiottoClass) |
calculateOverlapSerial (from GiottoClass) |
Create giotto points object (from GiottoClass) |
Create giotto polygons object (from GiottoClass) |
overlapToMatrix (from GiottoClass) |
overlapImagesToMatrix (from GiottoClass) |
overlapToMatrixMultiPoly (from GiottoClass) |
smoothGiottoPolygons (from GiottoClass) |
spatInSituPlotDensity (from GiottoVisuals) |
spatInSituPlotHex (from GiottoVisuals) |
spatInSituPlotPoints (from GiottoVisuals) |
showPolygonSizeInfluence |
SegmentationFunction to segment cells in-tissue. |
doCellSegmentation |
perform cellpose segmentation |
perform Mesmer(Deepcell) segmentation |
perform Stardist segmentation |
Doublet DetectionFunction to detect doublets in raw expression data. |
doScrubletDetect |
Interactive Visualizations |
cellProximitySpatPlot2D |
cellProximityVisPlot |
Compare gene expression between polygon areas |
Get cells located within the polygons area |
Select image regions by plotting interactive polygons |
Plot stored polygons |
Plot interactive 3D spatial plot |
Compare cell types percent per polygon |
exportGiottoViewer |
Record landmarks by interactive selection |
Calculate an affine transformation matrix from two sets of landmarks |
InteroperabilityConvert other type of objects into a Giotto object and vice versa. |
Deprecated (from GiottoClass) |
Deprecated (from GiottoClass) |
Utility function to convert a Giotto object to a SpatialExperiment object. (from GiottoClass) |
Convert Giotto to anndata (from GiottoClass) |
Create a local anndata zarr folder |
Convert anndata to Giotto (from GiottoClass) |
Convert a master Giotto object to suite (from GiottoClass) |
convertEnsemblToGeneSymbol |
Kriging |
Spatial feature interpolation |
ONTraC integrationFunctions to interact with ONTraC. |
installGiottoONTraCEnvironment |
runONTraCV1 |
getONTraCv1Input |
loadOntraCResults |
load_cell_NT_score |
load_cell_niche_cluster_prob |
load_niche_cluster_nt_score |
cal_cell_niche_cluster_bin |
load_nc_connectivity |
plotCTCompositionInNicheCluster |
plotCellTypeNTScore |
plotSpatNicheClusterBin |
plotSpatNicheClusterProb |
plotNicheClusterConnectivity |
AuxiliaryAuxiliary functions. |
Call the spdep function with required parameters |
AI technologies |
writeChatGPTqueryDEG |