To add a new example to the website, please follow these steps:

1 Clone the Giotto_website repository

Clone the Giotto_website repository from and switch to the “suite” branch.

2 Create a new R markdown file

Create a new .Rmd (R markdown) file under the folder “vignettes”.

  • If you are planning to include figures as part of the tutorial, create a new folder under “vignettes/images” with the same name as your .Rmd file.
  • All scripts need a header like shown below that starts at line 1.
  • Here you should edit the title.
title: "TITLE TO USE"
    number_sections: true
    toc: true
  as_is: true
vignette: >
  %\VignetteIndexEntry{TITLE TO USE}

3 Set the R chuncks correctly

Absolutely no eval=TRUE for example code. To save time when rendering the website, all chunks should not evaluate the code.

Image results should be included via linking or a knitr chunk of this style:


The upper case sections just show which areas should be edited, not that they need to be upper case

4 Create your example

Add the text and code of your tutorial. Please use similar variable names to previous tutorials, we have created a list of common variables and default values in this spreadsheet.

5 Session info

Files should have a session info section at the end of the tutorial.

6 Preview the document

Knit the document to check if the vignette looks how you like, and that it actually knits properly.

Optionally, you can run pkgdown::build_site(), but this may be hard to run locally.

7 Edit the pkgdown.yml file

pkgdown.yml is a file at the repo toplevel and it details how the links are set up for the navbars and documentation in the website.

For most new articles:

  • Under navbar:
    • Determine which section your tutorial fits better between Get started, Examples, and Tutorials.
    • Select or setup the subsection if needed.
    • Add a text (what menu name it has) and href (“articles/VIGNETTE_NAME.html”) field for your new article.
  • Under articles:
    • Find the appropriate title for your new vignette (should be the same to the previous navbar section).
    • Add your new vignette, with the same name as the VIGNETTE_NAME used for the href section used in navbar (minus the .html).

8 Push the changes to Github

If you are an outside collaborator, you may need to create a Pull Request. Changes usually take roughly 30 min to build and deploy on the website.