Checkout our GiottoData extension package to find already preprocessed datasets and Giotto mini Objects.
Checkout the following for more spatial-omics data:
Tencent's SODB
PySODB, a python interface for the SODB
How can I automatically download tutorial datasets?
Use getSpatialDataset()
from GiottoData:
# Ensure Giotto Suite is installed
if(!"Giotto" %in% installed.packages()) {
# Ensure Giotto Data is installed
if(!"GiottoData" %in% installed.packages()) {
# choose your directory
my_working_dir = getwd()
# merFISH example:
# standard download data to working directory
getSpatialDataset(dataset = 'merfish_preoptic',
directory = my_working_dir)
# use wget to download data to working directory (much faster)
getSpatialDataset(dataset = 'merfish_preoptic',
directory = my_working_dir,
method = 'wget')
# avoid certification issues with wget
getSpatialDataset(dataset = 'merfish_preoptic',
directory = my_working_dir,
method = 'wget',
extra = '--no-check-certificate')
function 'as_cholmod_sparse' not provided by package 'Matrix'
?Matrix underwent a breaking change after versoin 1.6-2. Reinstalling irlba from source will fix this. See this issue for more info.
install.packages("irlba", type = "source")
arrow is a suggested package Giotto uses to open
files. The parquet files that 10X provides use ZSTD
compression which the default arrow installation may not
provide. The following code will check for whether arrow is installed
with ZSTD support, and reinstall if it is not present.
has_arrow <- requireNamespace("arrow", quietly = TRUE)
zstd <- TRUE
if (has_arrow) {
zstd <- arrow::arrow_info()$capabilities[["zstd"]]
if (!has_arrow || !zstd) {
Sys.setenv(ARROW_WITH_ZSTD = "ON")
# this may take a while
install.packages("arrow", repos = c(""), type = "source")