Calculate an affine transformation matrix from two sets of landmarks. Source is the item that is transformed to align to target. The The generated affine transformation matrix is the affine transform that defines this transformation.

calculateAffineMatrixFromLandmarks(source, target)


source, target

matrix or data.frame-like. Source and target landmarks provided as paired x (first) y (second) columns.


a 3x3 matrix that defines an affine transform

See also


m1 <- matrix(c(
        4211.476, 4925.052,
        5906.339, 4251.025,
        4830.097, 3342.676,
        5954.410, 3393.603
    4, 2, byrow = TRUE

m2 <- matrix(c(
        7218.570, -11999.111,
        8647.143, -15008.278,
        10150.203, -12953.273,
        10172.141, -15008.059
    4, 2, byrow = TRUE
calculateAffineMatrixFromLandmarks(m1, m2)
#>            [,1]       [,2]      [,3]
#> [1,]  0.1188965 -1.7979378 15578.068
#> [2,] -1.8195643 -0.1068888 -3808.687
#> [3,]  0.0000000  0.0000000     1.000