Given the path to a CosMx experiment directory, creates a Giotto object.
version = "default",
feat_type = c("rna", "negprobes"),
split_keyword = list("NegPrb"),
load_images = list(composite = "composite", overlay = "overlay"),
load_expression = FALSE,
load_cellmeta = FALSE,
fov_shifts_path = NULL,
transcript_path = NULL,
cell_labels_dir = NULL,
expression_path = NULL,
metadata_path = NULL,
cores = determine_cores(),
verbose = NULL,
instructions = NULL,
remove_unvalid_polygons = deprecated(),
data_to_use = deprecated(),
remove_background_polygon = deprecated(),
background_algo = deprecated(),
full path to the exported cosmx directory
character. Version of CosMx output. Current selections are either "default", "v6", and "legacy" (for the NSCLC dataset).
field of views to load (only affects subcellular data and images)
character. feature type. Provide more than one value if
using the split_keyword
param. For each set of keywords to split by, an
additional feat_type should be provided in the same order. Affects how
the transcripts information is loaded. Helpful for separating out the
QC probes. See details.
list of character vectors of keywords to split the
transcripts based on their feat_ID. Keywords will be grepl()
matched against the feature IDs information. See details.
named list of filepaths to directories. Loads the composite and overlay images by default.
logical. (Default = FALSE) whether to load provided expression matrix
logical. (Default = TRUE) whether to load provided cell metadata
Optional. Filepath to fov_positions_file
Optional. Filepath to desired transcripts file to load.
Optional. Path to directory containing CellLabels images to load as polygons.
Optional. Filepath to cell feature matrix to load.
Optional. Filepath to metadata file to load.
nthreads to use when loading in cell metadata and transcripts
be verbose when building Giotto object
list of instructions or output result
from createGiottoInstructions
deprecated. Now always done
deprecated. Not used
deprecated. Now always done
deprecated. Not used
Arguments passed on to importCosMx
numeric. Slide number. Defaults to 1
logical. Whether to scale spatial information as micron instead of the default pixels
numeric. Scalefactor from pixels to micron. Defaults to 0.12028 based on `CosMx-ReadMe.html` info
a giotto object
[Expected Directory] This function generates a giotto object when given a link to a cosmx output directory. It expects the following items within the directory where the bolded portions are what this function matches against:
CellComposite (folder of images)
CellLabels (folder of images)
CellOverlay (folder of images)
CompartmentLabels (folder of images)
experimentname_exprMat_file.csv (file)
experimentname_fov_positions_file.csv (file)
experimentname_metadata_file.csv (file)
experimentname_tx_file.csv (file)
[feat_type and split_keyword]
Additional QC probe information is in the subcellular feature detections
information and must be separated from the gene expression information
during processing.
The QC probes have prefixes that allow them to be selected from the rest of
the feature IDs.
Giotto uses feat_type
and split_keyword
params to select these QC
probes out as separate feature types. See examples in
for how this works.
The Gene expression subset labeled as rna
is accepted as the subset of
feat_IDs that do not get matched to any of the split_keywords
[Images] Images in the expected CellComposite and CellOverlay
folders will be loaded as giotto largeImage objects by default.
can be used to see the available images.