Create Giotto object directly from a 10X visium folder. Also accepts visium H5 outputs.
visium_dir = NULL,
expr_data = c("raw", "filter"),
gene_column_index = 1,
h5_visium_path = NULL,
h5_gene_ids = c("symbols", "ensembl"),
h5_tissue_positions_path = NULL,
h5_image_png_path = NULL,
h5_json_scalefactors_path = NULL,
png_name = NULL,
do_manual_adj = FALSE,
xmax_adj = 0,
xmin_adj = 0,
ymax_adj = 0,
ymin_adj = 0,
instructions = NULL,
expression_matrix_class = c("dgCMatrix", "DelayedArray"),
h5_file = NULL,
cores = NA,
verbose = NULL
path to the 10X visium directory [required]
raw or filtered data (see details)
which column index to select (see details)
path to visium 10X .h5 file
gene names as symbols (default) or ensemble gene ids
path to tissue locations (.csv file)
path to tissue .png file (optional). Image autoscaling looks for matches in the filename for either 'hires' or 'lowres'
path to .json scalefactors (optional)
select name of png to use (see details)
list of instructions or output result from
class of expression matrix to use (e.g. 'dgCMatrix', 'DelayedArray')
optional path to create an on-disk h5 file
how many cores or threads to use to read data if paths are provided
be verbose
giotto object
If starting from a Visium 10X directory:
expr_data: raw will take expression data from raw_feature_bc_matrix and filter from filtered_feature_bc_matrix
gene_column_index: which gene identifiers (names) to use if there are multiple columns (e.g. ensemble and gene symbol)
png_name: by default the first png will be selected, provide the png name to override this (e.g. myimage.png)
the file scalefactors_json.json will be detected automatically and used to attempt to align the data
If starting from a Visium 10X .h5 file
h5_visium_path: full path to .h5 file: /your/path/to/visium_file.h5
h5_tissue_positions_path: full path to spatial locations file: /you/path/to/tissue_positions_list.csv
h5_image_png_path: full path to png: /your/path/to/images/tissue_lowres_image.png
h5_json_scalefactors_path: full path to .json file: /your/path/to/scalefactors_json.json