Create a Giotto object from a Xenium experiment output folder. Only the xenium_dir, load_images, and load_aligned_images params need to be supplied when defaults are sufficient. All other params have defaults set and are there in case of non-standard directory layouts or alternative preference in file format to load from.
When possible, .parquet files are loaded. This requires the additional installation of arrow with zstd support. See details. h5 is also used by default if the 10x provided expression matrix is loaded.
The 10X provided aggregated expression matrix and cell metdata are not loaded by default since the results may be slightly different from those that Giotto spatially aggregates.

  transcript_path = NULL,
  bounds_path = list(cell = "cell", nucleus = "nucleus"),
  gene_panel_json_path = NULL,
  expression_path = NULL,
  cell_metadata_path = NULL,
  feat_type = c("rna", "NegControlProbe", "UnassignedCodeword", "NegControlCodeword"),
  split_keyword = list("NegControlProbe", "UnassignedCodeword", "NegControlCodeword"),
  qv_threshold = 20,
  load_images = "focus",
  load_aligned_images = NULL,
  load_transcripts = TRUE,
  load_expression = FALSE,
  load_cellmeta = FALSE,
  instructions = NULL,
  verbose = NULL



Full path to the exported xenium directory


Optional. Filepath to desired transcripts file to load. Either the .parquet or .csv files can be used.


Optional. Named list of filepaths to desired Xenium bounds/polygon files to load. Either the .parquet or .csv files can be used. The default is to load the .parquets of both cell and nucleus.


Optional. Filepath to panel json. This json contains feature metadata information and ENSG names.


Optional. Filepath to cell feature matrix. Accepts either the .h5 or the unzipped directory containing .mtx files.


Optional. Filepath to cells.csv.gz or cells.parquet which contain cell metadata information.


character. feature type. Provide more than one value if using the split_keyword param. For each set of keywords to split by, an additional feat_type should be provided in the same order. Affects how the transcripts information is loaded. Helpful for separating out the QC probes. See details.


list of character vectors of keywords to split the transcripts based on their feat_ID. Keywords will be grepl() matched against the feature IDs information. See details.


Minimum Phred-scaled quality score cutoff to be included as a subcellular transcript detection (default = 20)


Named list of filepaths to .tif images, usually the ones in the morphology_focus directory. These ome.tif images are not compatible and must be converted to tif using [GiottoClass::ometif_to_tif()].


Named list of filepaths. The list names are used as the image names when loaded. Two filepaths are expected per entry. The first one should be to the .tif image. The second path is to the .csv alignment matrix file. ome.tif images will work, but they are currently slower in our imaging pipeline.


logical. Default = FALSE. Whether to load in 10X provided expression matrix.


logical. Default = FALSE. Whether to load in 10X provided cell metadata information


list of instructions or output result from createGiottoInstructions()


logical or NULL. NULL uses the giotto.verbose option setting and defaults to TRUE.


giotto object


[arrow zstd support] Xenium parquets have zstd compression. arrow is used to access parquets, however it may not install on all systems with zstd by default. You can check whether zstd support is installed by running: arrow::arrow_info()$capabilities[["zstd"]]. If FALSE, it needs to be reinstalled with the following:

 Sys.setenv(ARROW_WITH_ZSTD = "ON")
 install.packages("arrow", repos = c(""))

[QC feature types] Xenium provides info on feature detections that include more than only the Gene Expression specific probes. Additional probes for QC are included: blank codeword, negative control codeword, and negative control probe. These additional QC probes each occupy and are treated as their own feature types so that they can largely remain independent of the gene expression information.

[feat_type and split_keyword] Additional QC probe information is in the subcellular feature detections information and must be separated from the gene expression information during processing. The QC probes have prefixes that allow them to be selected from the rest of the feature IDs. Giotto uses feat_type and split_keyword params to select these QC probes out as separate feature types. See examples in [GiottoClass::createGiottoPoints] for how this works.

The Gene expression subset labeled as rna is accepted as the subset of feat_IDs that do not get matched to any of the split_keywords.