Perform the Giotto Wrapper of cellpose segmentation. This is for a model inference to generate segmentation mask file from input image. main parameters needed
python_env = "giotto_segmentation",
channel_1 = 0,
channel_2 = 0,
model_name = "cyto3",
batch_size = 8,
resample = TRUE,
channel_axis = NULL,
z_axis = NULL,
normalize = TRUE,
invert = FALSE,
rescale = NULL,
diameter = NULL,
flow_threshold = 0.4,
cellprob_threshold = 0,
do_3D = FALSE,
anisotropy = NULL,
stitch_threshold = 0,
min_size = 15,
max_size_fraction = 0.4,
niter = NULL,
augment = FALSE,
tile_overlap = 0.1,
bsize = 224,
dP_smooth = 0L,
interp = TRUE,
compute_masks = TRUE,
progress = NULL,
verbose = NULL,
character, required. Provide a path to a gray scale or a three channel image.
required. Provide a path to the output mask file.
channel number for cytoplasm, default to 0(gray scale)
channel number for Nuclei, default to 0(gray scale)
Name of the model to run inference. Default to 'cyto3', if you want to run cutomized trained model, place your model file in ~/.cellpose/models and specify your model name.
Cellpose Parameter, Number of 224x224 patches to run simultaneously on the GPU. Can make smaller or bigger depending on GPU memory usage. Defaults to 8.
(logical, optional) – run dynamics at original image size (will be slower but create more accurate boundaries). Defaults to True.
(int, optional) – channel axis in element of list x, or of np.ndarray x. if NULL, channels dimension is attempted to be automatically determined. Defaults to NULL.
(int, optional) – z axis in element of list x, or of np.ndarray x. if NULL, z dimension is attempted to be automatically determined. Defaults to NULL.
Logical or list. Controls image normalization: If TRUE, normalizes to 1st-99th percentile Can be a list with parameters: * lowhigh: Numeric vector c(low, high) for manual normalization values * sharpen: Numeric, image sharpening factor (1/4-1/8 of cell diameter in pixels) * normalize: Logical, whether to run normalization * percentile: Numeric vector c(low_perc, high_perc) * tile_norm: Integer, window size in pixels for tile normalization * norm3D: Logical, normalize across full z-stack Default: TRUE
Logical. Inverts pixel intensity before processing. Default: FALSE
Numeric. Resize factor for images. Default: NULL (sets to 1.0)
Numeric. Cell diameter for each image. Default: NULL (uses diam_mean or diam_train if available)
Numeric. Flow error threshold for cell retention (2D only). Default: 0.4
Numeric. Threshold for mask pixel retention. Default: 0.0
Logical. Enable 3D segmentation for 3D/4D inputs. Default: FALSE
Numeric. Z-axis rescaling factor for 3D segmentation. Default: NULL
Numeric. Threshold for 3D mask stitching (2D mode only). Default: 0.0
Integer. Minimum ROI size in pixels. Default: 15
Numeric. Maximum mask size as fraction of image. Default: 0.4
Integer. Number of dynamics computation iterations. Default: NULL (set based on diameter)
Logical. Enable tile augmentation with overlapping. Default: FALSE
Numeric. Tile overlap fraction for flow computation. Default: 0.1
Integer. Block size for tiles (recommended: 224). Default: 224
Integer. Gaussian smoothing standard deviation for 3D flows.
Logical. Enable interpolation for 2D dynamics. Default: TRUE
Logical. Compute dynamics and return masks. Default: TRUE
progress bar. Defaults to NULL
python environment with cellpose installed. default = "giotto_segmentation".
No return variable, as this will write directly to output path provided.
input = input_image,
mask_output = output, channel_1 = 2,
channel_2 = 1, model_name = "cyto3", batch_size = 4
#> python already initialized in this session
#> active environment : '/usr/bin/python3'
#> python version : 3.12
#> specified py env from `envname` = 'giotto_segmentation' not found
#> Error: package 'cellpose' is not yet installed
#> To install:
#> ## active python env: '/usr/bin/python3'
#> ## python version: 3.12
#> ## restart session then use GiottoClass::set_giotto_python_path() if this is incorrect
#> reticulate::conda_install(envname = '/usr/bin/python3', packages = c('cellpose'), pip = TRUE)