Perform the Giotto Wrapper of mesmer segmentation. This is for a model inference to generate segmentation mask file from input image. main parameters needed
python_env = "giotto_segmentation",
nucleus_channel = 1,
membrane_channel = 2,
micron_scale = 0.25,
verbose = NULL,
character, required. Provide a path to a IF image.
required. Provide a path to the output mask file.
python environment with deepcell installed. default = "giotto_segmentation". See deepcell official website for more details.
channel number for Nuclei, default to 1
channel number for cell boundary, default to 2
numeric. Multiplicative scalefactor to convert pixel dimensions to physical microns.
No return variable, as this will write directly to output path provided.
input = input_image,
mask_output = output,
nucleus_channel = 1,
membrane_channel = 2,
micron_scale = 0.5
#> python already initialized in this session
#> active environment : '/usr/bin/python3'
#> python version : 3.12
#> specified py env from `envname` = 'giotto_segmentation' not found
#> Error: package 'deepcell' is not yet installed
#> To install:
#> ## active python env: '/usr/bin/python3'
#> ## python version: 3.12
#> ## restart session then use GiottoClass::set_giotto_python_path() if this is incorrect
#> reticulate::conda_install(envname = '/usr/bin/python3', packages = c('deepcell'), pip = TRUE)