Automatically estimate a transform with SIFT feature detection, descriptor match and returns a transformation object to use
plot_match = FALSE,
max_ratio = 0.6,
estimate_fun = "affine",
save_warp = NULL,
verbose = TRUE
required. Source matrix input, could be generated from preprocessImageToMatrix
required. Source matrix input, could be generated from preprocessImageToMatrix
whether or not to plot the matching descriptors. Default False
max_ratio parameter for matching descriptors, default 0.6
default Affine. The transformation model to use estimation
default NULL, if not NULL, please provide an output image path to save the warpped image.
a list of the estimated transformation object
estimation <- estimateAutomatedImageRegistrationWithSIFT(
x = image_mtx1, y = image_mtx2
#> Error: package 'skimage' is not yet installed
#> To install:
#> ## active python env: '/usr/bin/python3'
#> ## python version: 3.12
#> ## restart session then use GiottoClass::set_giotto_python_path() if this is incorrect
#> reticulate::conda_install(envname = '/usr/bin/python3', packages = c('scikit-image'), pip = TRUE)