Previously: binGetSpatialGenes().
BinSpect (Binary Spatial Extraction of genes) is a fast computational method that identifies genes with a spatially coherent expression pattern.
There are several functions documented together here, mainly differing in how to provide expression and spatial connectivity/networks information. When data is in a giotto object, use binSpect() which wraps binSpectSingle() and binSpectMulti().

  spat_unit = NULL,
  feat_type = NULL,
  bin_method = c("kmeans", "rank"),
  expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
  subset_feats = NULL,
  spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network",
  spatial_network_k = NULL,
  reduce_network = FALSE,
  kmeans_algo = c("kmeans", "kmeans_arma", "kmeans_arma_subset"),
  nstart = 3,
  iter_max = 10,
  extreme_nr = 50,
  sample_nr = 50,
  percentage_rank = 30,
  do_fisher_test = TRUE,
  adjust_method = "fdr",
  calc_hub = FALSE,
  hub_min_int = 3,
  get_av_expr = TRUE,
  get_high_expr = TRUE,
  implementation = c("data.table", "simple", "matrix"),
  group_size = "automatic",
  do_parallel = TRUE,
  cores = NA,
  verbose = TRUE,
  knn_params = NULL,
  set.seed = deprecated(),
  seed = 1234,
  bin_matrix = NULL,
  summarize = c("p.value", "adj.p.value"),
  return_gobject = FALSE

  spatial_network = NULL,
  bin_matrix = NULL,
  bin_method = c("kmeans", "rank"),
  subset_feats = NULL,
  kmeans_algo = c("kmeans", "kmeans_arma", "kmeans_arma_subset"),
  nstart = 3,
  iter_max = 10,
  extreme_nr = 50,
  sample_nr = 50,
  percentage_rank = 30,
  do_fisher_test = TRUE,
  adjust_method = "fdr",
  calc_hub = FALSE,
  hub_min_int = 3,
  get_av_expr = TRUE,
  get_high_expr = TRUE,
  implementation = c("data.table", "simple", "matrix"),
  group_size = "automatic",
  do_parallel = TRUE,
  cores = NA,
  verbose = FALSE,
  set.seed = deprecated(),
  seed = 1234

  spat_unit = NULL,
  feat_type = NULL,
  bin_method = c("kmeans", "rank"),
  expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
  subset_feats = NULL,
  spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network",
  reduce_network = FALSE,
  kmeans_algo = c("kmeans", "kmeans_arma", "kmeans_arma_subset"),
  nstart = 3,
  iter_max = 10,
  extreme_nr = 50,
  sample_nr = 50,
  percentage_rank = 30,
  do_fisher_test = TRUE,
  adjust_method = "fdr",
  calc_hub = FALSE,
  hub_min_int = 3,
  get_av_expr = TRUE,
  get_high_expr = TRUE,
  implementation = c("data.table", "simple", "matrix"),
  group_size = "automatic",
  do_parallel = TRUE,
  cores = NA,
  verbose = TRUE,
  set.seed = deprecated(),
  seed = 1234,
  bin_matrix = NULL

  feat_type = NULL,
  spat_unit = NULL,
  bin_method = c("kmeans", "rank"),
  expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
  subset_feats = NULL,
  spatial_network_k = c(5, 10, 20),
  reduce_network = FALSE,
  kmeans_algo = c("kmeans", "kmeans_arma", "kmeans_arma_subset"),
  nstart = 3,
  iter_max = 10,
  extreme_nr = 50,
  sample_nr = 50,
  percentage_rank = c(10, 30),
  do_fisher_test = TRUE,
  adjust_method = "fdr",
  calc_hub = FALSE,
  hub_min_int = 3,
  get_av_expr = TRUE,
  get_high_expr = TRUE,
  implementation = c("data.table", "simple", "matrix"),
  group_size = "automatic",
  do_parallel = TRUE,
  cores = NA,
  verbose = TRUE,
  knn_params = NULL,
  set.seed = deprecated(),
  seed = 1234,
  summarize = c("adj.p.value", "p.value")



giotto object


spatial unit


feature type


method to binarize gene expression


expression values to use


only select a subset of features to test


name of spatial network to use (default = 'spatial_network')


different k's for a spatial kNN to evaluate


default uses the full network


kmeans algorithm to use (kmeans, kmeans_arma, kmeans_arma_subset)


kmeans: nstart parameter


kmeans: iter.max parameter


number of top and bottom cells (see details)


total number of cells to sample (see details)


percentage of top cells for binarization


perform fisher test


p-value adjusted method to use (see p.adjust)


calculate the number of hub cells


minimum number of cell-cell interactions for a hub cell


calculate the average expression per gene of the high expressing cells


calculate the number of high expressing cells per gene


enrichment implementation (data.table, simple, matrix)


number of genes to process together with data.table implementation (default = automatic)


run calculations in parallel with mclapply


number of cores to use if do_parallel = TRUE


be verbose


list of parameters to create spatial kNN network


deprecated. Use seed param instead


seed for kmeans binarization. When NULL, no seed is set. Otherwise, accepts a numeric input that will be used as seed.


a binarized matrix, when provided it will skip the binarization process


summarize the p-values or adjusted p-values


whether to return values attached to the gobject or separately (default)


expression matrix


spatial network in data.table format


data.table with results (see details)


We provide two ways to identify spatial genes based on gene expression binarization. Both methods are identicial except for how binarization is performed.

  1. binarize: Each gene is binarized (0 or 1) in each cell with kmeans (k = 2) or based on rank percentile

  2. network: All cells are connected through a spatial network based on the physical coordinates

  3. contingency table: A contingency table is calculated based on all edges of neighboring cells and the binarized expression (0-0, 0-1, 1-0 or 1-1)

  4. For each gene an odds-ratio (OR) and fisher.test (optional) is calculated

Three different kmeans algorithms have been implemented:

  1. kmeans: default, see kmeans

  2. kmeans_arma: from ClusterR, see KMeans_arma

  3. kmeans_arma_subst: from ClusterR, see KMeans_arma, but randomly subsets the vector for each gene to increase speed. Change extreme_nr and sample_nr for control.

Other statistics are provided (optional):

  • Number of cells with high expression (binary = 1)

  • Average expression of each gene within high expressing cells

  • Number of hub cells, these are high expressing cells that have a user defined number of high expressing neighbors

By selecting a subset of likely spatial genes (e.g. soft thresholding highly variable genes) can accelerate the speed. The simple implementation is usually faster, but lacks the possibility to run in parallel and to calculate hub cells.
The data.table implementation might be more appropriate for large datasets by setting the group_size (number of genes) parameter to divide the workload.


  • binSpectSingleMatrix(): binSpect for a single spatial network and a provided expression matrix

  • binSpectSingle(): binSpect for a single spatial network

  • binSpectMulti(): binSpect for multiple spatial kNN networks


g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : '/usr/bin/python3'
#>  python version : 3.12
#> checking default envname 'giotto_env'
#> a system default python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#>  "/usr/bin/python3"

#> This is the single parameter version of binSpect
#> 1. matrix binarization complete
#> 2. spatial enrichment test completed
#> 3. (optional) average expression of high
#>  expressing cells calculated
#> 4. (optional) number of high expressing cells
#>  calculated
#>         feats       p.value   estimate   adj.p.value        score  av_expr
#>        <char>         <num>      <num>         <num>        <num>    <num>
#>   1:    Shox2 2.079751e-222 24.3725907 3.672044e-220 1.244079e+04 3.980434
#>   2:      Ddn 1.845757e-278 19.2760463 1.170210e-275 1.232714e+04 6.032232
#>   3:     Hpca 1.055828e-234 12.1576137 3.346976e-232 6.549922e+03 6.930036
#>   4:     Zic1 2.316747e-222 12.1139594 3.672044e-220 6.182162e+03 4.279412
#>   5:    Cplx2 1.420300e-191 12.5040171 1.286386e-189 5.494801e+03 5.976190
#>  ---                                                                      
#> 630:    Vcam1  9.683169e-01  0.9933599  9.744650e-01 3.198207e-02 3.049218
#> 631:      Fn1  1.000000e+00  0.9975663  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.295082
#> 632:     Ncf2  1.000000e+00  0.9690611  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.053523
#> 633: Ndufa4l2  1.000000e+00  0.9933626  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.195307
#> 634:     Vsir  1.000000e+00  0.9988877  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.032595
#>      high_expr
#>          <num>
#>   1:       118
#>   2:       428
#>   3:       385
#>   4:       211
#>   5:       459
#>  ---          
#> 630:       190
#> 631:       193
#> 632:        38
#> 633:       115
#> 634:       177

#> This is the single parameter version of binSpect
#> 1. matrix binarization complete
#> 2. spatial enrichment test completed
#> 3. (optional) average expression of high
#>  expressing cells calculated
#> 4. (optional) number of high expressing cells
#>  calculated
#>         feats       p.value   estimate   adj.p.value        score  av_expr
#>        <char>         <num>      <num>         <num>        <num>    <num>
#>   1:    Shox2 2.079751e-222 24.3725907 3.672044e-220 1.244079e+04 3.980434
#>   2:      Ddn 1.845757e-278 19.2760463 1.170210e-275 1.232714e+04 6.032232
#>   3:     Hpca 1.055828e-234 12.1576137 3.346976e-232 6.549922e+03 6.930036
#>   4:     Zic1 2.316747e-222 12.1139594 3.672044e-220 6.182162e+03 4.279412
#>   5:    Cplx2 1.420300e-191 12.5040171 1.286386e-189 5.494801e+03 5.976190
#>  ---                                                                      
#> 630:    Vcam1  9.683169e-01  0.9933599  9.744650e-01 3.198207e-02 3.049218
#> 631:      Fn1  1.000000e+00  0.9975663  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.295082
#> 632:     Ncf2  1.000000e+00  0.9690611  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.053523
#> 633: Ndufa4l2  1.000000e+00  0.9933626  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.195307
#> 634:     Vsir  1.000000e+00  0.9988877  1.000000e+00 0.000000e+00 3.032595
#>      high_expr
#>          <num>
#>   1:       118
#>   2:       428
#>   3:       385
#>   4:       211
#>   5:       459
#>  ---          
#> 630:       190
#> 631:       193
#> 632:        38
#> 633:       115
#> 634:       177

g_expression <- getExpression(g, output = "matrix")
g_spat_net <- getSpatialNetwork(g, output = "networkDT")

    expression_matrix = g_expression,
    spatial_network = g_spat_net
#>              feats      p.value  estimate  adj.p.value score   av_expr
#>             <char>        <num>     <num>        <num> <num>     <num>
#>   1: 2900040C04Rik 2.824859e-03       Inf 4.033695e-03   Inf 17.000000
#>   2:         Cbln1 1.788492e-05       Inf 3.048128e-05   Inf 31.333333
#>   3:         Cd59a 1.788492e-05       Inf 3.048128e-05   Inf 26.333333
#>   4:         Clic6 2.824859e-03       Inf 4.033695e-03   Inf 16.500000
#>   5:         Ctxn3 1.788492e-05       Inf 3.048128e-05   Inf 30.000000
#>  ---                                                                  
#> 630:          Prph 1.000000e+00 0.0000000 1.000000e+00     0  7.200000
#> 631:         Rlbp1 1.000000e+00 0.9947543 1.000000e+00     0  2.408163
#> 632:        S100a8 1.000000e+00 0.0000000 1.000000e+00     0  8.750000
#> 633:          Tpm2 1.000000e+00 0.0000000 1.000000e+00     0 20.500000
#> 634:         Vcam1 1.000000e+00 0.0000000 1.000000e+00     0 17.000000
#>      high_expr
#>          <num>
#>   1:         2
#>   2:         3
#>   3:         3
#>   4:         2
#>   5:         3
#>  ---          
#> 630:         5
#> 631:        49
#> 632:         8
#> 633:         2
#> 634:         1