Detect features that are spatially correlated

  spat_unit = NULL,
  feat_type = NULL,
  spat_loc_name = "raw",
  method = c("grid", "network"),
  expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
  subset_feats = NULL,
  spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network",
  network_smoothing = NULL,
  spatial_grid_name = "spatial_grid",
  min_cells_per_grid = 4,
  cor_method = c("pearson", "kendall", "spearman")



giotto object


spatial unit


feature type


name for spatial locations


method to use for spatial averaging


gene expression values to use


subset of feats to use


name of spatial network to use


smoothing factor beteen 0 and 1 (default: automatic)


name of spatial grid to use


minimum number of cells to consider a grid


correlation method


returns a spatial correlation object: "spatCorObject"


For method = network, it expects a fully connected spatial network. You can make sure to create a fully connected network by setting minimal_k > 0 in the createSpatialNetwork function.

  • 1. grid-averaging: average gene expression values within a predefined spatial grid

  • 2. network-averaging: smoothens the gene expression matrix by averaging the expression within one cell by using the neighbours within the predefined spatial network. b is a smoothening factor that defaults to 1 - 1/k, where k is the median number of k-neighbors in the selected spatial network. Setting b = 0 means no smoothing and b = 1 means no contribution from its own expression.

The spatCorObject can be further explored with showSpatialCorFeats()


g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> cell_spatInfo_spatVector.shp
#> cell
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> cell
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> No overlaps were found, overlap loading will be
#>  skipped
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> a giotto python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#>  "/Users/yuanlab/Library/r-miniconda/envs/giotto_env/bin/pythonw"

detectSpatialCorFeats(g, method = "network")
#> $cor_DT
#>               feat_ID      variable   spat_cor   expr_cor     cordiff spatrank
#>                <char>        <fctr>      <num>      <num>       <num>    <int>
#>      1: 1110017D15Rik 1110017D15Rik  1.0000000  1.0000000  0.00000000        1
#>      2: 1110017D15Rik        Dnali1  0.5152451  0.3690438  0.14620131        2
#>      3: 1110017D15Rik         Spag8  0.5044653  0.3180572  0.18640810        3
#>      4: 1110017D15Rik 1700001C02Rik  0.4957575  0.4021766  0.09358091        4
#>      5: 1110017D15Rik       Ccdc153  0.4947645  0.4050736  0.08969090        5
#>     ---                                                                       
#> 401952:         Zmat4         Cabp7 -0.3106553 -0.2099353 -0.10072002      630
#> 401953:         Zmat4           Sst -0.3310337 -0.1903481 -0.14068568      631
#> 401954:         Zmat4          Hopx -0.3886083 -0.2587739 -0.12983435      632
#> 401955:         Zmat4           Ttr -0.4280274 -0.3482754 -0.07975206      633
#> 401956:         Zmat4          Gfap -0.4757224 -0.3562773 -0.11944508      634
#>         exprrank rankdiff
#>            <int>    <int>
#>      1:        1        0
#>      2:        6       -4
#>      3:       10       -7
#>      4:        3        1
#>      5:        2        3
#>     ---                  
#> 401952:      630        0
#> 401953:      627        4
#> 401954:      632        0
#> 401955:      633        0
#> 401956:      634        0
#> $feat_order
#>   [1] "Gna12"         "Ccnd2"         "Btbd17"        "Sox9"         
#>   [5] "Sez6"          "Serpinf1"      "S100a6"        "Col1a1"       
#>   [9] "Vwf"           "Esam"          "Npas1"         "Tiam1"        
#>  [13] "Bcam"          "Hmgn2"         "Rab3b"         "Inmt"         
#>  [17] "Ddr1"          "Homer3"        "Cp"            "Calb2"        
#>  [21] "Man1a"         "Efnb3"         "Hlf"           "Gstm7"        
#>  [25] "Cavin1"        "Sst"           "Hapln2"        "Hspb1"        
#>  [29] "Ndrg1"         "Nid1"          "Kit"           "Pvalb"        
#>  [33] "Tmbim1"        "Crip1"         "Tek"           "Elovl1"       
#>  [37] "Cyba"          "Itih3"         "Cnp"           "Hap1"         
#>  [41] "Clic1"         "Stx1a"         "Arpp19"        "Dio2"         
#>  [45] "Id3"           "Crlf1"         "Ttc9b"         "Carhsp1"      
#>  [49] "Cabp7"         "Fam163b"       "Rarres2"       "Syn2"         
#>  [53] "Ick"           "Prox1"         "Adssl1"        "Vipr2"        
#>  [57] "Gltp"          "Amotl1"        "Bcas1"         "Aldh1a2"      
#>  [61] "Tppp3"         "Sirt2"         "Lpl"           "Cers2"        
#>  [65] "Qdpr"          "Stk32c"        "Lbp"           "Hsd11b1"      
#>  [69] "Vtn"           "Stac2"         "Plxdc1"        "Igfbp4"       
#>  [73] "Dbndd2"        "Pltp"          "Slc12a4"       "Cadps2"       
#>  [77] "Erbb3"         "Pmp22"         "Kcnab3"        "Myh11"        
#>  [81] "Plod1"         "Etnppl"        "Arhgef25"      "Rcn3"         
#>  [85] "Vip"           "Utrn"          "Grm1"          "Reep3"        
#>  [89] "Fabp7"         "Dcn"           "Slc17a8"       "Dusp6"        
#>  [93] "Kitl"          "Ccn2"          "Timp3"         "Ascl1"        
#>  [97] "Unc5b"         "Vsir"          "Gamt"          "Ptprb"        
#> [101] "Csrp2"         "Adarb1"        "Rnf130"        "Nefh"         
#> [105] "Aebp1"         "Sept4"         "Gria1"         "Sypl"         
#> [109] "Arsg"          "Cacng4"        "Rab37"         "Itgb4"        
#> [113] "Aspa"          "Cygb"          "Rflnb"         "Doc2b"        
#> [117] "Gfap"          "Npas3"         "Serpina3n"     "Clmn"         
#> [121] "Prkch"         "Fbln5"         "Akr1c18"       "Gng4"         
#> [125] "Sema4d"        "Cxcl14"        "Hexb"          "Iqgap2"       
#> [129] "Crhbp"         "Rab3c"         "Thbs4"         "Serinc5"      
#> [133] "Erbin"         "Prkcd"         "Pdlim2"        "Ednrb"        
#> [137] "Cpne6"         "Sema5a"        "Matn2"         "Nptxr"        
#> [141] "Enpp2"         "Efcab6"        "Ppp1r1a"       "Litaf"        
#> [145] "Il1rap"        "Apod"          "Cpox"          "Grik1"        
#> [149] "Clic6"         "Nr4a1"         "Igfbp6"        "Sncg"         
#> [153] "Gzma"          "Grm2"          "Prph"          "Rsph1"        
#> [157] "Sox8"          "Fam234a"       "Lims2"         "Aqp4"         
#> [161] "Slc12a2"       "Cd74"          "Pdgfrb"        "Csf1r"        
#> [165] "Cbln2"         "Frmd8"         "Gldc"          "Tcf7l2"       
#> [169] "Bhlhe22"       "Kcnip2"        "Alas2"         "Gdf11"        
#> [173] "Baiap2"        "Ifitm3"        "Phkg1"         "Nptx1"        
#> [177] "Pde8a"         "Itih5"         "Homer2"        "Fam20c"       
#> [181] "Cplx2"         "Myo5b"         "Snca"          "Col3a1"       
#> [185] "Ecrg4"         "Map4k4"        "2010300C02Rik" "Ogfrl1"       
#> [189] "Fn1"           "Efhd1"         "Ngef"          "Bok"          
#> [193] "Tmem163"       "Lct"           "Cfh"           "Ptpn4"        
#> [197] "Tnni1"         "Csrp1"         "Nfasc"         "Syt2"         
#> [201] "Atp2b4"        "Rgs16"         "Ncf2"          "Cnih3"        
#> [205] "Tmem63a"       "Cfap126"       "Meig1"         "Ccdc3"        
#> [209] "Rgs5"          "Enkur"         "Myoc"          "Vim"          
#> [213] "Prkcq"         "Gad2"          "Lcn2"          "Nr4a2"        
#> [217] "Ermn"          "Fibcd1"        "Gsn"           "Grb14"        
#> [221] "Notch1"        "Ube2l6"        "Gatm"          "Cd82"         
#> [225] "Mdk"           "Lamp5"         "Itpka"         "Chgb"         
#> [229] "Mal"           "Pdyn"          "Nkx2-2"        "Edn3"         
#> [233] "Car2"          "Col9a3"        "Chrna4"        "Gss"          
#> [237] "Slc7a11"       "Tm4sf1"        "Kcnab1"        "Shox2"        
#> [241] "Serpini1"      "Tspan2"        "S100a11"       "Vcam1"        
#> [245] "Lef1"          "Npy2r"         "F3"            "Calb1"        
#> [249] "Epha7"         "Slc44a1"       "1110017D15Rik" "Tpm2"         
#> [253] "Slc6a9"        "Laptm5"        "Sema3c"        "Hpca"         
#> [257] "Padi2"         "Slc4a2"        "Gabrd"         "Rgs12"        
#> [261] "Slc30a3"       "Emilin1"       "1700001C02Rik" "Gabra4"       
#> [265] "Pdgfra"        "Epha5"         "Tesc"          "Pitpnm2"      
#> [269] "Mmp17"         "Cit"           "Foxp2"         "Arpc1b"       
#> [273] "Col1a2"        "Eln"           "Pcolce"        "Tsc22d4"      
#> [277] "Cald1"         "Ccdc136"       "Npy"           "Slc13a4"      
#> [281] "Gkn3"          "Slc6a13"       "Mgp"           "Lmo3"         
#> [285] "Slco1c1"       "Cpne9"         "Itpr2"         "Slc6a11"      
#> [289] "Vamp1"         "Cd9"           "Pglyrp1"       "Slc17a6"      
#> [293] "Sipa1l3"       "Sh3gl3"        "Plekhb1"       "Nupr1"        
#> [297] "Dkk3"          "Cox6a2"        "Dkkl1"         "Fgfr2"        
#> [301] "Crym"          "Slc38a5"       "Flna"          "Bgn"          
#> [305] "Col4a1"        "Plat"          "Nr3c2"         "Cbln1"        
#> [309] "Gab1"          "Pllp"          "Necab2"        "Dbndd1"       
#> [313] "Agt"           "Cryab"         "Tagln"         "Mcam"         
#> [317] "Olfm2"         "Icam5"         "Anxa2"         "Rora"         
#> [321] "Calml4"        "Htr3a"         "Paqr5"         "Rasgrf1"      
#> [325] "Zic1"          "Mobp"          "Hhatl"         "Trf"          
#> [329] "Cpne4"         "Cdhr4"         "Cd59a"         "Gng11"        
#> [333] "Chrm1"         "Prr5l"         "Ugt8a"         "Rims3"        
#> [337] "Sgpp2"         "Camkv"         "Sox10"         "Micall1"      
#> [341] "Tie1"          "Fa2h"          "Ucp2"          "Vav3"         
#> [345] "Ccp110"        "Gria2"         "Rasl10a"       "Foxj1"        
#> [349] "Trim59"        "Dynlrb2"       "Gjc1"          "Neurod1"      
#> [353] "Ttyh2"         "Cpne7"         "Nrip3"         "Tbr1"         
#> [357] "Lcat"          "Tmem98"        "Myo1d"         "Prdm8"        
#> [361] "Tgfbi"         "Kcnc2"         "Thrsp"         "Isg15"        
#> [365] "Acta2"         "H2-Q4"         "Dock4"         "Myrf"         
#> [369] "Lmo1"          "Igfbp7"        "P2ry12"        "Pcdh8"        
#> [373] "Lgi4"          "Fxyd1"         "Fxyd7"         "Mag"          
#> [377] "Zcchc12"       "Anln"          "Wnt4"          "C1ql2"        
#> [381] "Unc93b1"       "Tspan15"       "Ppp1r14a"      "Clic4"        
#> [385] "Galnt6"        "Ccn3"          "Rims2"         "Zmat4"        
#> [389] "Cldn11"        "Ccdc33"        "Slc32a1"       "Tgm2"         
#> [393] "Vstm2l"        "Neurod6"       "Crygn"         "Enpp6"        
#> [397] "Neurod2"       "Satb2"         "Pcp4l1"        "Txnip"        
#> [401] "Egr1"          "Otud7b"        "Car14"         "Rgs4"         
#> [405] "Dock10"        "Lpar1"         "Trps1"         "Ptpn3"        
#> [409] "Lefty1"        "Zfhx3"         "St6galnac5"    "Ak5"          
#> [413] "Hrh3"          "Nexn"          "Adgrl4"        "Rlbp1"        
#> [417] "Igfbp2"        "Wfs1"          "Cplx3"         "Orai2"        
#> [421] "Olig2"         "Gpr37"         "Plcb4"         "Nxph4"        
#> [425] "Ndufa4l2"      "Cacng5"        "Plekhg1"       "Cmtm5"        
#> [429] "Gpr161"        "Rfx3"          "Igsf21"        "Ramp3"        
#> [433] "Arhgap12"      "Nkx6-2"        "Ninj2"         "Cldn5"        
#> [437] "Htr2c"         "Hspb8"         "Fmod"          "Prelp"        
#> [441] "Mpped1"        "Rapgef5"       "Vwa1"          "Stab1"        
#> [445] "Arl15"         "Reln"          "Mustn1"        "Pbxip1"       
#> [449] "Dnali1"        "Id1"           "Lrrtm3"        "Tmem212"      
#> [453] "Epop"          "Gjc2"          "1190005I06Rik" "Ctla2a"       
#> [457] "Cnr1"          "Gpr4"          "Sowaha"        "Tent5c"       
#> [461] "Serpinb1a"     "S1pr5"         "Penk"          "Cdc42ep2"     
#> [465] "Slitrk6"       "Hpcal4"        "Olig1"         "Rprml"        
#> [469] "Stxbp6"        "Hs3st2"        "Rbp1"          "Ppm1e"        
#> [473] "Sox18"         "Kctd4"         "Nxph3"         "Vat1l"        
#> [477] "Cd24a"         "Odf3b"         "Gjb1"          "Selplg"       
#> [481] "Bcl11b"        "Lhfp"          "Ranbp3l"       "Msx1"         
#> [485] "Zdhhc22"       "Phldb1"        "Ctxn1"         "Tprn"         
#> [489] "Vstm2a"        "Ndnf"          "Pdp1"          "Scn3b"        
#> [493] "Cdc42ep1"      "Gal3st1"       "Rasd1"         "Spink8"       
#> [497] "Opalin"        "Gja4"          "Synpo2"        "Pcdh20"       
#> [501] "Adra1b"        "Fam131a"       "Tmem125"       "Mb21d2"       
#> [505] "Lingo3"        "Ncald"         "Siglech"       "Rgs14"        
#> [509] "Gm14964"       "Gpr17"         "Cx3cr1"        "Ezr"          
#> [513] "Adarb2"        "Cpne8"         "Plekhg3"       "Lamb2"        
#> [517] "Creb5"         "Cntn2"         "Aldh1a1"       "Phgdh"        
#> [521] "Tnfaip6"       "Camk2d"        "Shisa6"        "Cthrc1"       
#> [525] "Tmem119"       "Hmgb2"         "Tmem158"       "Dsp"          
#> [529] "Lrtm2"         "Gabra5"        "Tns1"          "Nell1"        
#> [533] "Slain1"        "Prr18"         "S100a8"        "S100a9"       
#> [537] "Col8a2"        "Synpr"         "Sertm1"        "Adgrf5"       
#> [541] "Capg"          "Gjc3"          "Fcer1g"        "Pde1a"        
#> [545] "Tafa1"         "Ddn"           "Hopx"          "Ptk2b"        
#> [549] "Rgs3"          "Kcng2"         "Ntng1"         "H2-Q7"        
#> [553] "Ifitm2"        "Plaat3"        "Plekhh1"       "Myl4"         
#> [557] "H2-K1"         "Dpp6"          "Tmem91"        "Cyp2d22"      
#> [561] "Ttr"           "Suclg2"        "Patj"          "Btbd3"        
#> [565] "Unc13c"        "Syt9"          "Shisal1"       "Grm4"         
#> [569] "Sox11"         "Slc22a8"       "Slc24a3"       "Klk8"         
#> [573] "Ipcef1"        "Tnnt1"         "Hhip"          "Spag8"        
#> [577] "Fxyd6"         "Ppp1r3c"       "Cbln4"         "Nnat"         
#> [581] "Myl9"          "Vxn"           "Lgals1"        "Gpr88"        
#> [585] "Ctxn3"         "Lyz2"          "Tmem100"       "Wfdc17"       
#> [589] "Ahnak"         "Hba-a2"        "Hba-a1"        "Ccdc153"      
#> [593] "Ccnd1"         "Serpinh1"      "Gad1"          "Arhgef10"     
#> [597] "2410004P03Rik" "Nt5dc2"        "Cebpd"         "Sod3"         
#> [601] "H2-D1"         "C4b"           "Tmem88b"       "Hbb-bt"       
#> [605] "Rhog"          "Rprm"          "Ly6a"          "Mog"          
#> [609] "Trbc2"         "Igkc"          "Smim1"         "Hs3st4"       
#> [613] "Evi2a"         "Prkcg"         "Ly6c1"         "Gbp4"         
#> [617] "Wipf3"         "BC039966"      "Gm13889"       "Plcxd2"       
#> [621] "Mia"           "Pou3f1"        "Lrrc10b"       "Apol11b"      
#> [625] "Gpr62"         "Shisa8"        "Gm2115"        "Kctd12"       
#> [629] "1700047M11Rik" "Lhfpl3"        "C030029H02Rik" "Gm19935"      
#> [633] "9630013A20Rik" "2900040C04Rik"
#> $cor_hclust
#> list()
#> $cor_clusters
#> list()
#> attr(,"class")
#> [1] "spatCorObject" "list"