Creates data.table with pairwise correlation scores between each cluster.

  spat_unit = NULL,
  feat_type = NULL,
  expression_values = c("normalized", "scaled", "custom"),
  cor = c("pearson", "spearman")



giotto object


spatial unit


feature type


expression values to use


name of column to use for clusters


correlation score to calculate distance




Creates data.table with pairwise correlation scores between each cluster and the group size (# of cells) for each cluster. This information can be used together with mergeClusters to combine very similar or small clusters into bigger clusters.


g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> python already initialized in this session
#>  active environment : '/usr/bin/python3'
#>  python version : 3.12
#> checking default envname 'giotto_env'
#> a system default python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#>  "/usr/bin/python3"

getClusterSimilarity(g, cluster_column = "leiden_clus")
#> Key: <group2>
#>     group2 group1     value unified_group group1_size group2_size
#>     <char> <char>     <num>        <char>       <int>       <int>
#>  1:      1      1 1.0000000          1--1         162         162
#>  2:      1      2 0.8422383          1--2         122         162
#>  3:      1      3 0.8669756          1--3         108         162
#>  4:      1      4 0.5442705          1--4          93         162
#>  5:      1      5 0.6824345          1--5          84         162
#>  6:      1      6 0.7264226          1--6          45         162
#>  7:      1      7 0.5972392          1--7          10         162
#>  8:      2      2 1.0000000          2--2         122         122
#>  9:      2      3 0.7978084          2--3         108         122
#> 10:      2      4 0.5336978          2--4          93         122
#> 11:      2      5 0.6414036          2--5          84         122
#> 12:      2      6 0.6556486          2--6          45         122
#> 13:      2      7 0.4073051          2--7          10         122
#> 14:      3      3 1.0000000          3--3         108         108
#> 15:      3      4 0.4044085          3--4          93         108
#> 16:      3      5 0.4514877          3--5          84         108
#> 17:      3      6 0.4897613          3--6          45         108
#> 18:      3      7 0.3378678          3--7          10         108
#> 19:      4      4 1.0000000          4--4          93          93
#> 20:      4      5 0.5806246          4--5          84          93
#> 21:      4      6 0.7913727          4--6          45          93
#> 22:      4      7 0.4013357          4--7          10          93
#> 23:      5      5 1.0000000          5--5          84          84
#> 24:      5      6 0.8740586          5--6          45          84
#> 25:      5      7 0.5595658          5--7          10          84
#> 26:      6      6 1.0000000          6--6          45          45
#> 27:      6      7 0.6808065          6--7          10          45
#> 28:      7      7 1.0000000          7--7          10          10
#>     group2 group1     value unified_group group1_size group2_size