A normalization commonly used with intensity-based data (CODEX, CyCIF, IMC). It effectively handles a wide dynamic range and zero/near-zero values while preserving the relative differences between signals of different intensities.

$$\LARGE x'_{i,j} = \operatorname{arcsinh}\left({\frac{x_{i,j}}{c}}\right) $$


  • (\(x_{i,j}\)) is the raw intensity for feature \(i\) in sample \(j\)

  • (\(x'_{i,j}\)) is the normalized intensity for feature \(i\) in sample \(j\)

  • (\(c\)) is a cofactor that determines the degree of transformation


The cofactor \(c\) prevents over-amplification of small values and allows better differentiation of signals at different intensities.

Common values to use are:

  • c = 5 for fluorescence imaging-based proteomics (CODEX, CyCIF)

  • c = 1 or 5 for mass-cytometry-based imaging (IMC).


cnumeric (default = 5). Expressed as \(c\) in the above formula.