Apply a log normalization

$$\LARGE x'_{i,j} = \frac{\log(x_{i,j} + b)}{\log(a)} $$ Where:

  • (\(x_{i,j}\)) is the raw count for feature \(i\) in sample \(j\)

  • (\(x'_{i,j}\)) is the log normalized expression value for feature \(i\) in sample \(j\)

  • (\(a\)) is the log base

  • (\(b\)) is an offset value


basenumeric (default = 2) log base to use. Expressed as \(a\) in the above equation.
offsetnumeric (default = 1). Offset to add to expression values to avoid \(\log(0)\). Expressed as \(b\) in the above equation.