Creates a known spatial pattern for selected genes one-by-one and runs the different spatial gene detection tests
pattern_name = "pattern",
pattern_colors = c(`in` = "green", out = "red"),
pattern_cell_ids = NULL,
gene_names = NULL,
spatial_probs = c(0.5, 1),
reps = 2,
spatial_network_name = "kNN_network",
spat_methods = c("binSpect_single", "binSpect_multi", "spatialDE", "spark",
spat_methods_params = list(NA, NA, NA, NA, NA),
spat_methods_names = c("binSpect_single", "binSpect_multi", "spatialDE", "spark",
scalefactor = 6000,
save_plot = TRUE,
save_raw = TRUE,
save_norm = TRUE,
save_dir = "~",
max_col = 4,
height = 7,
width = 7,
run_simulations = TRUE,
giotto object
name of spatial pattern
2 color vector for the spatial pattern
cell ids that make up the spatial pattern
selected genes
probabilities to test for a high expressing gene value to be part of the spatial pattern
number of random simulation repetitions
which spatial network to use for binSpectSingle
vector of spatial methods to test
list of parameters list for each element in the vector of spatial methods to test
name for each element in the vector of spatial elements to test
library size scaling factor when re-normalizing dataset
save intermediate random simulation plots or not
save the raw expression matrix of the simulation
save the normalized expression matrix of the simulation
directory to save results to
maximum number of columns for final plots
height of final plots
width of final plots
run simulations (default = TRUE)
additional parameters for renormalization
data.table with results
g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> python already initialized in this session
#> active environment : '/usr/bin/python3'
#> python version : 3.12
#> checking default envname 'giotto_env'
#> a system default python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#> "/usr/bin/python3"
gobject = g, pattern_cell_ids = c(
spatial_network_name = "spatial_network",
gene_names = c("Gna12", "Ccnd2")
#> > raw already exists and will be replaced with new values
#> Setting expression [cell][rna] raw
#> first scale feats and then cells
#> > normalized already exists and will be replaced with new values
#> Setting expression [cell][rna] normalized
#> > scaled already exists and will be replaced with new values
#> Setting expression [cell][rna] scaled
#> calculating statistics for "normalized" expression
#> feat statistics has already been applied once; overwriting
#> cells statistics has already been applied once; overwriting
#> start with 0.5
#> repetition = 1
#> > raw already exists and will be replaced with new values
#> Setting expression [cell][rna] raw
#> first scale feats and then cells
#> > normalized already exists and will be replaced with new values
#> Setting expression [cell][rna] normalized
#> > scaled already exists and will be replaced with new values
#> Setting expression [cell][rna] scaled
#> calculating statistics for "normalized" expression
#> feat statistics has already been applied once; overwriting
#> cells statistics has already been applied once; overwriting
#> This is the single parameter version of binSpect
#> 1. matrix binarization complete
#> 2. spatial enrichment test completed
#> This is the multi parameter version of binSpect
#> Run for k = 5
#> This is the single parameter version of binSpect
#> 1. matrix binarization complete
#> 2. spatial enrichment test completed
#> Run for k = 10
#> This is the single parameter version of binSpect
#> 1. matrix binarization complete
#> 2. spatial enrichment test completed
#> Run for k = 20
#> This is the single parameter version of binSpect
#> 1. matrix binarization complete
#> 2. spatial enrichment test completed
#> Warning: SpatialDE python module is not installed:
#> install in the right environment or python path with:
#> 'pip install spatialde'
#> or from within R in the Giotto environment with:
#> conda_path = reticulate::miniconda_path()
#> conda_full_path = paste0(conda_path,'/','bin/conda')
#> full_envname = paste0(conda_path,'/envs/giotto_env')
#> reticulate::py_install(packages = c('NaiveDE', 'patsy', 'SpatialDE'),
#> envname = full_envname,
#> method = 'conda',
#> conda = conda_full_path,
#> pip = TRUE,
#> python_version = '3.6')
#> using 'SpatialDE' for spatial gene/pattern detection. If used in
#> published research, please cite:
#> Svensson, Valentine, Sarah A. Teichmann, and Oliver Stegle.
#> 'SpatialDE: Identification of Spatially Variable Genes.'
#> Nature Methods 15, no. 5 (May 2018): 343-46.
#> Error in py_run_file_impl(file, local, convert): ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas'
#> Run `reticulate::py_last_error()` for details.