Spatial Cell-Cell communication scores based on spatial expression of interacting cells

  feat_type = NULL,
  spat_unit = NULL,
  spatial_network_name = "Delaunay_network",
  cluster_column = "cell_types",
  random_iter = 1000,
  gene_set_1 = NULL,
  gene_set_2 = NULL,
  log2FC_addendum = 0.1,
  min_observations = 2,
  detailed = FALSE,
  adjust_method = c("fdr", "bonferroni", "BH", "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "BY",
  adjust_target = c("feats", "cells"),
  do_parallel = TRUE,
  cores = NA,
  set_seed = TRUE,
  seed_number = 1234,
  verbose = c("a little", "a lot", "none")



giotto object to use


feature type


spatial unit


spatial network to use for identifying interacting cells


cluster column with cell type information


number of iterations


first specific feature set from feature pairs


second specific feature set from feature pairs


deprecated, use feat_set_1


deprecated, use feat_set_2


addendum to add when calculating log2FC


minimum number of interactions needed to be considered


provide more detailed information (random variance and z-score)


which method to adjust p-values


adjust multiple hypotheses at the cell or feature level


run calculations in parallel with mclapply


number of cores to use if do_parallel = TRUE


set a seed for reproducibility


seed number




Cell-Cell communication scores for feature pairs based on spatial interaction


Statistical framework to identify if pairs of genes (such as ligand-receptor combinations) are expressed at higher levels than expected based on a reshuffled null distribution of feature expression values in cells that are spatially in proximity to each other.

  • LR_comb: Pair of ligand and receptor

  • lig_cell_type: cell type to assess expression level of ligand

  • lig_expr: average expression of ligand in lig_cell_type

  • ligand: ligand name

  • rec_cell_type: cell type to assess expression level of receptor

  • rec_expr: average expression of receptor in rec_cell_type

  • receptor: receptor name

  • LR_expr: combined average ligand and receptor expression

  • lig_nr: total number of cells from lig_cell_type that spatially interact with cells from rec_cell_type

  • rec_nr: total number of cells from rec_cell_type that spatially interact with cells from lig_cell_type

  • rand_expr: average combined ligand and receptor expression from random spatial permutations

  • av_diff: average difference between LR_expr and rand_expr over all random spatial permutations

  • sd_diff: (optional) standard deviation of the difference between LR_expr and rand_expr over all random spatial permutations

  • z_score: (optional) z-score

  • log2fc: log2 fold-change (LR_expr/rand_expr)

  • pvalue: p-value

  • LR_cell_comb: cell type pair combination

  • p.adj: adjusted p-value

  • PI: significance score: log2fc * -log10(p.adj)


g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> cell_spatInfo_spatVector.shp
#> cell
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> cell
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> No overlaps were found, overlap loading will be
#>  skipped
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> a giotto python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#>  "/Users/yuanlab/Library/r-miniconda/envs/giotto_env/bin/pythonw"

    gobject = g,
    cluster_column = "leiden_clus",
    feat_set_1 = "Gm19935",
    feat_set_2 = "9630013A20Rik",
    verbose = "a lot",
    random_iter = 10
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 <- Inf returned
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 
#> simulations: 1  2  3  4  5  6  7  8  9  10 <- Inf returned
#> Warning: no adjusted p.values that are not zero; returning Inf
#> Warning: no adjusted p.values that are not zero; returning Inf
#>                   LR_comb lig_cell_type   lig_expr  ligand rec_cell_type
#>                    <char>        <fctr>      <num>  <char>        <fctr>
#>  1: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             5 1.78685038 Gm19935             6
#>  2: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             6 1.25341386 Gm19935             5
#>  3: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             6 1.39370283 Gm19935             1
#>  4: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             1 1.26325380 Gm19935             6
#>  5: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             6 1.34521521 Gm19935             6
#>  6: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             6 1.51239103 Gm19935             2
#>  7: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             5 0.14614174 Gm19935             5
#>  8: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             7 0.60289491 Gm19935             7
#>  9: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             4 0.92522428 Gm19935             1
#> 10: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             7 0.40437296 Gm19935             1
#> 11: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             5 0.11024392 Gm19935             2
#> 12: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             6 0.59885919 Gm19935             3
#> 13: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             3 0.67646973 Gm19935             5
#> 14: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             2 0.06646316 Gm19935             5
#> 15: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             6 0.60686608 Gm19935             7
#> 16: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             1 0.55560407 Gm19935             7
#> 17: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             1 0.30914232 Gm19935             1
#> 18: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             5 0.13598163 Gm19935             1
#> 19: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             3 0.29380142 Gm19935             1
#> 20: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             6 0.27008393 Gm19935             4
#> 21: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             2 0.11342034 Gm19935             2
#> 22: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             3 0.33661638 Gm19935             4
#> 23: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             1 0.20683620 Gm19935             3
#> 24: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             1 0.17850483 Gm19935             5
#> 25: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             3 0.21449815 Gm19935             3
#> 26: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             4 0.09396233 Gm19935             4
#> 27: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             4 0.14061468 Gm19935             6
#> 28: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             1 0.00000000 Gm19935             2
#> 29: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             2 0.00000000 Gm19935             1
#> 30: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             2 0.00000000 Gm19935             6
#> 31: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             5 0.00000000 Gm19935             3
#> 32: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             4 0.00000000 Gm19935             5
#> 33: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             5 0.00000000 Gm19935             4
#> 34: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             1 0.00000000 Gm19935             4
#> 35: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             3 0.00000000 Gm19935             6
#> 36: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             4 0.00000000 Gm19935             3
#> 37: Gm19935-9630013A20Rik             7 0.00000000 Gm19935             6
#>                   LR_comb lig_cell_type   lig_expr  ligand rec_cell_type
#>       rec_expr      receptor   LR_expr lig_nr rec_nr  rand_expr     av_diff
#>          <num>        <char>     <num>  <int>  <int>      <num>       <num>
#>  1: 0.98253548 9630013A20Rik 2.7693859     23     16 1.25380331  1.51558255
#>  2: 0.86184960 9630013A20Rik 2.1152635     16     23 1.09797881  1.01728464
#>  3: 0.22070242 9630013A20Rik 1.6144053     15     17 1.11451441  0.49989085
#>  4: 0.32184532 9630013A20Rik 1.5850991     17     15 0.81778091  0.76731822
#>  5: 0.20155242 9630013A20Rik 1.5467676     37     37 1.46096767  0.08579996
#>  6: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 1.5123910      2      3 0.99784387  0.51454716
#>  7: 0.95582749 9630013A20Rik 1.1019692     76     76 0.97852590  0.12344334
#>  8: 0.38773430 9630013A20Rik 0.9906292      8      8 1.22060116 -0.22997195
#>  9: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.9252243      3      2 0.28138576  0.64383852
#> 10: 0.45406594 9630013A20Rik 0.8584389      8     14 0.66226014  0.19617876
#> 11: 0.73487022 9630013A20Rik 0.8451141     34     38 0.59552083  0.24959330
#> 12: 0.17685852 9630013A20Rik 0.7757177      4      9 0.90734006 -0.13162236
#> 13: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.6764697      5      6 0.47407385  0.20239588
#> 14: 0.60181006 9630013A20Rik 0.6682732     38     34 0.57442519  0.09384803
#> 15: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.6068661      9      5 1.42367411 -0.81680803
#> 16: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.5556041     14      8 0.92352381 -0.36791974
#> 17: 0.17530545 9630013A20Rik 0.4844478    161    161 0.48444777  0.00000000
#> 18: 0.31893557 9630013A20Rik 0.4549172     57     41 0.69040344 -0.23548624
#> 19: 0.12413060 9630013A20Rik 0.4179320     89    102 0.43736950 -0.01943749
#> 20: 0.13080439 9630013A20Rik 0.4008883     47     26 0.81445915 -0.41357082
#> 21: 0.23907794 9630013A20Rik 0.3524983    121    121 0.34671247  0.00578580
#> 22: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.3366164      6      6 0.31198154  0.02463484
#> 23: 0.09032721 9630013A20Rik 0.2971634    102     89 0.36467062 -0.06750721
#> 24: 0.11224192 9630013A20Rik 0.2907468     41     57 0.64797278 -0.35722602
#> 25: 0.07000002 9630013A20Rik 0.2844982    108    108 0.28449817  0.00000000
#> 26: 0.10048837 9630013A20Rik 0.1944507     93     93 0.19445069  0.00000000
#> 27: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.1406147     26     47 0.55446844 -0.41385376
#> 28: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      3      1 0.36365588 -0.36365588
#> 29: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      1      3 1.15415007 -1.15415007
#> 30: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      3      2 0.77674202 -0.77674202
#> 31: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      6      5 0.32603077 -0.32603077
#> 32: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      4      1 0.04787715 -0.04787715
#> 33: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      1      4 0.14062751 -0.14062751
#> 34: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      2      3 0.60011948 -0.60011948
#> 35: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      9      4 0.52376116 -0.52376116
#> 36: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      6      6 0.17062548 -0.17062548
#> 37: 0.00000000 9630013A20Rik 0.0000000      5      9 1.59463534 -1.59463534
#>       rec_expr      receptor   LR_expr lig_nr rec_nr  rand_expr     av_diff
#>            log2fc pvalue LR_cell_comb p.adj           PI
#>             <num>  <num>       <char> <num>        <num>
#>  1:  1.083724e+00    0.0         5--6   0.0         -Inf
#>  2:  8.868759e-01    0.0         6--5   0.0         -Inf
#>  3:  4.973286e-01    0.2         6--1   0.2  0.347617756
#>  4:  8.766118e-01    0.0         1--6   0.0  0.612725328
#>  5:  7.719634e-02    0.8         6--6   0.8  0.007481098
#>  6:  5.545288e-01    0.6         6--2   0.6  0.123021513
#>  7:  1.563391e-01    0.1         5--5   0.1  0.156339149
#>  8: -2.760341e-01    0.3         7--7   0.3 -0.144332371
#>  9:  1.426617e+00    0.4         4--1   0.4  0.567707847
#> 10:  3.304030e-01    0.4         7--1   0.4  0.131480586
#> 11:  4.423948e-01    0.0         5--2   0.0  0.176046606
#> 12: -2.020130e-01    0.6         6--3   0.6 -0.044816333
#> 13:  4.356933e-01    0.3         3--5   0.3  0.227814790
#> 14:  1.879610e-01    0.4         2--5   0.4  0.074797218
#> 15: -1.108046e+00    0.2         6--7   0.2 -0.774490595
#> 16: -6.426480e-01    0.2         1--7   0.2 -0.449191643
#> 17:  0.000000e+00    1.0         1--1   1.0  0.000000000
#> 18: -5.103167e-01    0.4         5--1   0.4 -0.203075434
#> 19: -5.315170e-02    0.4         3--1   0.4 -0.021151189
#> 20: -8.684297e-01    0.0         6--4   0.0          Inf
#> 21:  1.856575e-02    0.7         2--2   0.7  0.002875871
#> 22:  8.378658e-02    0.8         3--4   0.8  0.008119758
#> 23: -2.264757e-01    0.2         1--3   0.2 -0.158299738
#> 24: -9.367519e-01    0.0         1--5   0.0 -0.372771048
#> 25:  0.000000e+00    1.0         3--3   1.0  0.000000000
#> 26: -3.203427e-16    1.0         4--4   1.0  0.000000000
#> 27: -1.443599e+00    0.0         4--6   0.0          Inf
#> 28: -2.213054e+00    0.7         1--2   0.7 -0.342806471
#> 29: -3.648638e+00    0.6         2--1   0.6 -0.809445798
#> 30: -3.132152e+00    0.4         2--6   0.4 -1.246408751
#> 31: -2.090958e+00    0.5         5--3   0.5 -0.629440967
#> 32: -5.643991e-01    0.9         4--5   0.9 -0.025825487
#> 33: -1.266802e+00    0.8         5--4   0.8 -0.122765760
#> 34: -2.807601e+00    0.7         1--4   0.7 -0.434902922
#> 35: -2.640994e+00    0.2         3--6   0.2 -1.845975399
#> 36: -1.436298e+00    0.6         4--3   0.6 -0.318640847
#> 37: -4.082903e+00    0.0         7--6   0.0 -2.853826696
#>            log2fc pvalue LR_cell_comb p.adj           PI