Combine spatial and expression based cell-cell communication data.tables
min_lig_nr = 3,
min_rec_nr = 3,
min_padj_value = 1,
min_log2fc = 0,
min_av_diff = 0,
detailed = FALSE
spatial cell-cell communication scores
expression cell-cell communication scores
minimum number of ligand cells
minimum number of receptor cells
minimum adjusted p-value
minimum log2 fold-change
minimum average expression difference
detailed option used with spatCellCellcom
(default = FALSE)
combined data.table with spatial and expression communication data
g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> checking default envname 'giotto_env'
#> a system default python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#> "/usr/bin/python3"
exprCC <- exprCellCellcom(g,
cluster_column = "leiden_clus",
feat_set_1 = "Gm19935",
feat_set_2 = "9630013A20Rik"
spatialCC <- spatCellCellcom(gobject = g,
cluster_column = "leiden_clus",
feat_set_1 = "Gm19935",
feat_set_2 = "9630013A20Rik",
verbose = "a lot",
random_iter = 10
#> Error in loadNamespace(x): there is no package called ‘future.apply’
combCC <- combCCcom(spatialCC = spatialCC, exprCC = exprCC)
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'spatialCC' not found
#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'combCC' not found