Plot stored polygons
polygon_name = "selections",
spat_unit = "cell",
polygons = NULL,
A Giotto object with polygon coordinates
name of polygon selections
A ggplot2, spatPlot or terra::rast object
spatial unit
character. Vector of polygon names to plot. If NULL, all polygons are plotted
Additional parameters passed to ggplot2::geom_polygon() or graphics::polygon
A ggplot2 image
## Plot interactive polygons
g <- GiottoData::loadGiottoMini("visium")
#> 1. read Giotto object
#> 2. read Giotto feature information
#> 3. read Giotto spatial information
#> 3.1 read Giotto spatial shape information
#> 3.2 read Giotto spatial centroid information
#> 3.3 read Giotto spatial overlap information
#> 4. read Giotto image information
#> python already initialized in this session
#> active environment : '/usr/bin/python3'
#> python version : 3.12
#> checking default envname 'giotto_env'
#> a system default python environment was found
#> Using python path:
#> "/usr/bin/python3"
my_polygon_coords <- data.frame(
poly_ID = rep("polygon1", 3),
sdimx = c(5477, 5959, 4720), sdimy = c(-4125, -2808, -5202)
## Add polygon coordinates to Giotto object
my_giotto_polygons <- createGiottoPolygonsFromDfr(my_polygon_coords,
name = "selections"
#> Selecting col "poly_ID" as poly_ID column
#> Selecting cols "sdimx" and "sdimy" as x and y respectively
g <- addGiottoPolygons(
gobject = g,
gpolygons = list(my_giotto_polygons)
## Add polygon cells
g <- addPolygonCells(g)
#> These column names were already used: in_tissue nr_feats perc_feats total_expr
#> leiden_clus custom_leiden
#> and will be overwritten
## Create spatplot
x <- spatPlot2D(g, return_plot = TRUE)
plotPolygons(g, x = x)